Completely inexperienced dad looking for some guidance

Wait. What happened to your wonderful daughter, @dadof4kids? I’m not so CC search savvy, or maybe the search feature isn’t so great, but it seems that she didn’t go to BS right away? I am so appreciative of this entire thread, even though I also have caboose kids (mom of four; twins at end) and am looking at only one post-graduate year as a gift) and know that after applications are in, it’s out of my hands. What a generous group of parents we have here, and how thoughtful of you to add information that would be helpful to future lurkers like me. @Calliemomofgirls should really get a medal of some kind (she’s helped me, too!).


I also read through this entire thread when my daughter announced she wanted to go to boarding school a year ago. It has been soooo helpful! I was not able to find an update on the student either, which made me think she ended up attending her local school and not reapplying to boarding school the following year. But I would love an update as well!

I think I went through the same emotional space as the OP in his journey. I have come around to accepting my daughter’s desire to attend boarding school and am actually really excited about the opportunity (hearing from others on this forum has helped me realize there are some really amazing things that can happen at boarding school and I think it could be a time of tremendous growth and self-actualization for my daughter). But now we are also stuck in that pre-March 10 time of what ifs and wondering if she will even have an acceptance anywhere. I feel like my daughter is much like this young woman - average student (I mean, she does fine, not average as in Cs, but not super advanced in any department), has a sport that would make her an impact varsity athlete at most, but it’s not a marquee sport, so we’re not really counting it as a real positive, and is just a generally nice kid. She does NOT interview well, so I think that could end up being the thing that gets her denied at her schools - I just don’t know if she came across as interested or if her introverted character seemed aloof and like she didn’t care. I’m so anxious for her and just want her to have a feeling of success on the other end of this, but I’d put her chances of an acceptance on March 10 at about 50%. I just don’t know if her personality was able to come through enough for the schools and I keep hearing it’s all about the interviews and recommendations. She’s a quiet person and I’m sure her teachers mentioned that as well in their recommendations. But that’s why we think Harkness and the smaller class sizes of boarding school could be so transformative for her. Can you tell I’m agonizing over this?? :rofl:


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