Completely inexperienced dad looking for some guidance

How did it go for you? If memory serves me right we had some cross-over schools. (Governors maybe?)

I am trying to be patient, but c’mon @dadof4kids !

Where are you!!! Inquiring minds!

(Eta, yes, this is all about me)


Same here! I don’t even have a kid going to BS but I got sucked into this thread plus the school I went to is on the list so now I can’t wait to hear the good news! I do remember him saying that his D probably would sleep late so we may have a while to go. :slight_smile:

I thought the same thing - maybe DD is still sleeping! :sleeping:

I’ll post more detail later because this community has been really helpful and I want to put my information out there to help people in the future. But not at all a good day here.


Ugh, I’m sorry, I was afraid that’s what silence meant. It’s no fun (understatement!) and possibly way less fun for the parent. But you know from your older kids that this too shall pass, and that in the end things have a way of working out. But it’s still tough at the beginning. Hugs to you and your daughter.

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Ugh. Not what I wanted to hear at all.

Hope your daughter is ok, and if there is anything we can do to help, please don’t hesitate. :heart:

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Aww I am so sorry to hear that. :frowning:

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I have been silently cheering for DD4 from my quiet corner. Your comments and thoughts and musings and perspective have helped me on this, our first BS journey. Thinking of your family.


Add another to the anxious list. I’m so sorry today didn’t bring great news. It most definitely seems like a very rough year.

Thinking about your daughter and of course you and your wife.

The only consolation in this process is that while I am devastated for her, she is her normal Zen self.

As in, ok that sucks. But then she listed some positives of staying here and is happily chatting with her mom in the next room. I think she is probably more disappointed than she is letting on, but she tends to not stress about what could have been. She did sleep through decisions as predicted.

Don’t get me wrong, she’s still a moody teen a lot of the time. But she handles disappointments better than the rest of us do. Certainly better than me.


Dad, hugs. Your D sounds amazing, and if she’s able to channel the energy and thought that went into her process this year-- she’ll have a terrific year even if it’s not necessarily where she wanted to be.

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Did she get any WL? I think there will be a lot of movement this year!

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I’m so sorry to hear that today didn’t go as expected as I have been rooting for you guys. This definitely seems to be a difficult year for BS admissions. I’m certain your daughter will find her way though. Big hugs to all of you.

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Thanks for the kind words. She did get mostly WL, but I think especially this year for a kid needing substantial FA who is not an impact anything but just a well rounded kid, WL movement for her is pretty unlikely. She isn’t going to fill any particular slot (other than maybe geographic diversity but that ship has probably already sailed) so if I was an AO and I needed a well rounded kid from the WL, I would probably take one that was full pay.

I’ll post more detail in a couple days probably, but it was an emotionally exhausting 12 hours from decision 1 to decision 14, and I’m not up for dealing with it yet. I just wanted to thank those of you who have been so supportive and helpful and are continuing to do so.


sending love to you and your family

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Hugs @dadof4kids I’m so sorry things did not end up well for your DD. I’ve been rooting for y’all since the beginning.

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, but that doesn’t take the “suck” out of situations like this. You and your daughter seem like absolutely amazing individuals.

Know you are both loved and supported here. More hugs.


I am sorry to hear this. DS was WL for middle school because of aid and it took awhile to heal. I should have been more realistic and it was painful to compare what might have been with what he got. It worked out in the end but he, and I, had a lot to process. I’m sorry.


I’m still a little speechless over this…

…I can only wonder if part of the issue is the totally new way of processing admissions this year making everything a little more unpredictable.

I wouldn’t lose hope over the WL… I wouldn’t count on it moving, but in this crazy year I also wouldn’t discount it.

Your M10 results aren’t the only ones that baffled me.

While there were the usual easily predicted bad M10 results, there were others that just left me scratching my head.


I heard from many people that there were hundreds of applications per spot this year - apparently it was insane for many schools.

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