Computer engineering in UIUC vs UMich vs Purdue

I have already gotten into Purdue and I am competitive for the other two schools. Which one would be the best for getting good internships and connections in my field.

to repost what I said a few days ago, hardware is kinda a dead end these days, certainly as compared to the opportunities in software. A degree in Computer Engineering is heavily focused on hardware and often involves taking many math and electrical engineering classes required for ABET acreditation. The software component has to fit into what is left over. You will not be qualified for many programming jobs.

Take a look at the math and EE classes you take at Purdue for CompEng at then compare it to the CS curriculum at and you’ll see what I mean. Your competition for programming jobs are replacing your math and EE classes with ones that get them good CS internships and teach them what they need to know to work in the field.

Even if you have a strong interest in lower level programming (compilers, firmware, embedded systems) you’d probably have better job prospects by studing Computer Science at a school that allows you to take a few digital electronic electives. It is unlikely you’ll ever use those circuits or Signals&Systems courses. Of course if its really hardware design that you want, all I can say is best of luck.