Computer Science first semester--differences from other engineering majors' first semester?

<p>The 2014-2015 degree plan on the TAMU website for Computer Science lists CSCE 121 and CSCE 181 the first semesterr, instead of ENGR 111 which seems to be listed for all other engineering majors. How is this working with the new policy of not being able to declare a major until later? Does anyone know whether those who said they wanted to be CS majors are being permitted to take CSCE 121 and 181 this semester, or are they being made to take ENGR 111, which does not even appear on the degree plan for Computer Science?</p>

<p>I remember hearing that computer science is the only major that is not on the common engineering track. I think you’ve got that right.</p>

<p>Skipping ENGR 111 is not a bad thing. From what I hear, like the class has been significantly changed for the new common track, and it is now a living hell. Me and a lot of other students pour more time into that two hour class than we do for two four-hour classes combined. Get out of it any way you can.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input. Do you know if freshmen who want to major in CS are still being made to take ENGR 111 this semester, or are they able to follow the CS track even though they have not yet officially been accepted into the major?</p>

<p>Just got done putting 6 straight hours with my team into building a project for Engr 111. I cannot emphasize how much I hate that class.</p>

<p>I don’t know of any CS majors in my Engr 111 class, so I would assume they just start on the computer science track.</p>

<p>Just curious: are you at A&M right now, or are you a high school senior?</p>

<p>CS major here currently taking ENGR 111. CSCE 181 filled up so quick I couldn’t register for it in my NSC. I have talked to my advisor and he told me that ENGR 111 can replace CSCE 181 and if you take ENGR 112 next semester, those 4 credits would substitute both CSCE 181 and one general elective on the degree plan. However, ENGR 111 is such a pain in the butt; it takes up 70% of my time:( by the way, tomorrow is due day for robot and it is 1 a.m right now the Commons hall is still full of people building robots.
Yes you can take CSCE 121 as freshmen because I’m taking it right now. </p>

<p>Can you help explain the difference between computer engineering and science for me? I chose computer engineering as my major but I probably still have time to change it. I still need to register for my NSC.
Well, when looking at computer engineering, there are two tracks, electrical, and CS track. I assume electrical is more hardware than software, while CS is opposite.
So if I change major to strictly CS, what would be the difference? More programming classes vs engineering? What’s in more demand right now, CE degree or CS degree? </p>

<p>Thank you guys for the information–that’s what I wanted to know!</p>