<p>[1] Should I bring a laptop or a desktop to JHU?</p>
<p>[2] How is the wireless network at JHU??</p>
<p>[3] What percentage of students bring laptops to class?</p>
<p>[1] Should I bring a laptop or a desktop to JHU?</p>
<p>[2] How is the wireless network at JHU??</p>
<p>[3] What percentage of students bring laptops to class?</p>
<p>From what I've seen, very few students bring laptops to class. I've mainly seen classes of the poly sci / history sort though, it might be different in the hard sciences.</p>
<p>A laptop is going to take up a lot less space on your (rather diminutive) desk. However, if you <em>need</em> more power or whatever, you can remove the upper part of it. If other people in your room / suite also do this, you can stack these upper parts and make a nice bookshelf. Also, there is a 24 hour lab in Krieger, and there are plenty of computers in the library, hut, etc. so I suppose it's not strictly necessary to bring one. </p>
<p>I'm really not sure about the wireless network, though there are plenty of jacks in the library, etc.</p>
<p>i dont really know, but most people i know who go there have laptops... im getting a laptop cuz of space issues and because its easy to take my comp home for the holidays and such... wireless- they are working on making the campus wireless, like i BELIEVE the library is, or something... but there are ethernet ports in the dorm rooms, so you just plug in...</p>
<p>I brought both. Desktop for gaming and a lightweight laptop for taking to class, and I do use it to take notes in about half my classes (history/polisci mostly). I'd say on average for those types of classes no more than 10-15% of kids use laptops. If I didn't already have a spare desktop lying around, and was making a fresh decision, I'd probably just go with a decent all around laptop since desktops take up so much space. For the laptop I'd go with one that's not particularly thin/light, but not some gaming powerhouse either. If you use your laptop to take notes during class it won't be using up more than 2-3 hours of battery time a day MAX. Also, in the library/hut there are electronic outlets everywhere so you don't really have to worry about running out of battery power. As far as wireless goes, it doesn't really extend into the dorm rooms, is sporadic in the library (stay on the south side, left of the stairs if you want to get a signal), and is perfect in the hut. You can also get it out in the freshman quad if you want thought I've only seen the same 1 girl ever bother to use it out there. Its also easy to get in every big lecture building which can be a bad thing when your mind wanders during class...</p>