Concerns about My Previous SSAT scores

Hello! I am a 10th-grade reapplicant for Lawrenceville. Something that I been greatly concerned about is on the SSAT website, my SSAT score from last year’s application is submitted to the school as for this year’s application. I haven’t taken the test yet and my score from last year was a totally undesirable score. I understand that after taking the SSAT this year, my previous score may be replaced; however, knowing that Lawrecnville also accepts ISEE scores, I will only be taking the ISEE this year. I am concerned that the AOs will end up taking my old SSAT score to consider my application. Does anyone know how the AOs view my profile? Thank You! :slight_smile:

Just call the AO and point out the mistake. Communication with a purpose = interest. AOs like hearing from applicants.

Alright. Thank you for your advice1