<p>My scores:
Overall 95+%
Verbal 95+%
Quantitative 95+%
Reading ~70%</p>
<p>I did so horribly on the reading, as you can see. Would this seem inconsistent? I'm kind of worried because of this.
Also, Lawrenceville applications require you to submit your current scores. Right before winter break, I did poorly on a few tests (2nd marking period just started) so I have A-'s in Science, Math, and English, whereas last marking period I had all A's. Would this seem inconsistent too?</p>
<p>Are you on trimesters? They just want your most recent grade report/ report card-- not any individual grades you’ve received from the 2 or 3 weeks of the new trimester. They WILL request your winter term grades from your school-- but at the end of the winter term.</p>
<p>No, I have quarters. My tests that I scored badly on were all around 12/20.</p>
<p>Is there any way you can only send your first quarter scores?</p>
If I had a dollar for every high SSAT score w one lopsided subscore, I could retire.</p>
None of the schools expect straight As, but they prefer more As than Bs.</p>
<p>You’re fine, kid. Don’t obsess. If u don’t get into Lville it won’t be bcs of academics.</p>