Concerns regarding rush sat reports....

<p>Hi. Late happy new year. I actually used the rush reports option on some of my colleges. Knowing that universities actually don't like rush report, I thought about resending the scores via regular report service. Should I do that? Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Which schools? Some universities ask not to rush report, but even if you do rush report I don’t think it would make a big difference and wouldn’t hinder your chances of getting in or anything. If you can, try to get a refund, but if not, I wouldn’t bother resending them. If you can, try calling the universities and ask them if you are restricted from rush reporting SATs (not if you are allowed to).</p>

<p>Thank you for the response. So far, I know that one of the universities I applied to does not want rush report. That school is NYU. I will conduct a further research on the other universities. I hope I don’t have to resend, for it will be an extra 95 dollars. :S</p>

<p>anyone else? I’m confused :S</p>

<p>Why not call NYU’s Admission Office, tell them you rushed your scores, and ask them whether that will be a problem? I don’t think it will, but finding out from them would give you some peace of mind.</p>