Hi guys!
As time for applying to colleges is coming around, I am super confused about what I want to do with my future. I LOVE the sciences (especially physics and bio, but everything is awesome), but the problem is that I have no idea whether I want to do medicine or a PhD or just an engineering bachelor’s degree…
And now when colleges are asking what I intend to major in, I don’t know whether to apply to the school of engineering(bioengineering perhaps) or the school of arts and sciences(bio+compsci/physics maybe?)… I know that an engineering degree would probably make my far future easier (though its super tough), but at the same time, the engineering schools seem much harder to get into! =/
Can someone help me sort out my choices plz? =] What are the pros/cons to each option, and which is a wiser strategy at this point, considering im so confused? Oh and also, I dont really want to apply undecided haha. Thanks so much- help is greatly appreciated 
Science is about studying how things work. Engineering is about solving design problems using scientific knowledge.
Advice that my son got when he was considering the same question was…if you think your interest MIGHT be engineering, start in engineering. It’s easy to transfer out of engineering into the pure sciences, but harder to transfer INTO engineering (because of more rigid curriculum, prerequisites, etc). That made sense to him (and me).
Also, you can be pre-med, or continue on to a MS/PhD from any major…premed just means you have to be sure to take required courses (using your electives, etc). One benefit of a BS in engineering, is that you could have decent job prospects immediately, so if you wanted to take some time out of school before you move on to med school/PhD program, you might actually be able to earn a decent wage to help pay for those…
Engineering Is a strict path where everything is in sequence. You have few choices and you’re with classmates who share the same interests right from the start.
If you choose computer science your job prospects are excellent and your path to degree is less strict. You can easily double major or minor in another science. Your classmates will come from a grater variety of majors (depending on your turn of mind this may be a plus or a minus).
You can get a science degree at haverford and complete it with a master s from Penn through their direct admission program.
Not to throw another wrench into the mix but have you considered biophysics? Also, UMBC offers a major in bioinformatics which seems to be a combination of biology, computer science and math(?).
There’s also a degree in data science at college of Charleston that combines computer science and another science of your choice 
Thank you so much for all the thoughts/comments everyone 
@WhataProcess : That’s such good advice! I totally understand what you mean, and that’s what really makes me think engineering is a good idea. What required courses do they usually ask us to take for pre-med? Will it more-or-less align with a bioengineering major?
@MYOS1634 : Makes sense! Compsci + science is one more thing I’m really considering hmm… Except im kind of scared because I’m really not sure how good/bad I am at compsci, you know? Ahh so confused!
@SlackerMomMD : I have actually been looking into Biophysics lately! But my only worry is- since it’s a relatively new field, I’m not sure how good it will be for getting a job after and stuff. Any thoughts?