Confused about Housing Deadlines

<p>Just FYI, general comment - The Honors College person we visited with in December told us that normally about 70% of incoming freshman honors students live in the Honor housing. That leaves very roughly somewhere around 560-600 honors freshman who do not live in Honors housing. Seems like some other good on-campus housing options are available at UA…(even though the honors student might have to walk across campus to attend certain honors events or study groups). Not every Honors student can afford the Honors housing and some may prefer the more traditional-style dorms.</p>

<p>That’s great info, Amy. Thanks!</p>

<p>Knowing that there are that many not in the super suites, maybe UA should consider naming a regular dorm as honor’s housing for those who can’t afford or don’t get assigned to the suites. Keeping those kids together could only help them.</p>

<p>Also, remember there are a lot of kids that may qualify for Honors but chose not to be in Honors. So those kids, while very studious, are mixed in with everyone else in non Honors Housing.</p>

<p>My D is in Tut, a traditional all female dorm. There are a lot of girls in Tut that are Honors but want to be closer to their sorority house vs in Honors Housing. They are closer to the house for meetings, all of their meals, etc. by staying in Tut vs HH.</p>

<p>This was our situation last year this time. I do wish UA would move toward allowing prospective students to pay ONLY a housing deposit without ENROLLMENT deposit (which is the way UGA does it). It also made us quite nervous in that it appeared to be a violation of the common ap form and our son was at this point still undecided. He is a NMF and was waiting to re-visit 2 schools when we did go ahead and pay enrollment/housing deposit so he could have online choice to UA housing in the event he decided to attend UA. Boy am I glad we did as he is at UA and if he had waited chances are he would not have been placed in Honors housing. He met several scholars at his Bama Bound session which did not get Honors Housing because they did not meet the earlier deadline. I will say that all of the other schools he was considering either (a) allowed you to pay ONLY a nominal housing deposit to guarantee a spot or (b) did not have any housing deposit decision until 4/1 and in some cases 5/1. As more OOS students and scholars choose UA - I hope this is something housing takes note of and makes some adjustments. Good luck! Hope your child decides to attend UA!</p>

<p>Don’t know if this was mentioned but the new Presidential wasn’t honors this year. It’s gorgeous. Next school year Presidential 2 will be open. It might not be honors either.</p>

<p>Personally, I don’t think it matters if you are in honors housing. Just my opinion. My D has lived in Riverside, Ridgecrest West and Ridgecrest South. They all were nice and relatively quiet. My D never complained.</p>

<p>Should I ask the other colleges I applied to whether it’s okay to submit the enrollment deposit at Alabama? I have no idea what the rules are for this and I’m worried I could get my acceptance rescinded somewhere else if they thought I was trying to beat the system somehow, but I’m also worried I wouldn’t get into honors housing if I didn’t deposit soon enough.</p>

<p>“Should I ask the other colleges I applied to whether it’s okay to submit the enrollment deposit at Alabama?”</p>

<p>I wouldn’t do that. I doubt they even could rescind because how would they even KNOW? There isn’t some master list that colleges have access to. Bama doesn’t share that info. </p>