Confused about MCA score

Partner schools:include Berkeley HS, Oakland Tech, and Skyline. So the director said at the admitted student reception held at the Berkeley Hlton Marina Hotel.

I am not sure if this was answered already or not. But for the lab science bonus points. I have taken bio (2), chem (2), physics (2) and this year I am taking psych (2) would that max out the lab points?

2 as in semesters

Psychology doesn’t count as science. It’s either in the history/social studies category or “other” (the g category of a-g.)

Do you need to enter your middle school classes and grades in order to get credit for MCA or is it enough to complete Calc AB to max out as referenced above? Same question for foreign language - took Spanish 1 in middle school and 2, 3, and 4 in high school. If you need to post middle school grades, how do you do that on the application?

Also, 4565 for Comp sci? Any thoughts?

@nervsdad, if you want a broad perspective, you’re better off opening up a new thread. People don’t tend to open pinned threads much.

Middle school grades aren’t needed. If students continue on, as yours did, they’ll max out the rigor sections.

For CS, instate, 4565 will likely be low. Possibly on the bubble out of state, but I’m not certain. Software Engineering is very similar and a bit less selective.

It sounds like your child amassed a solid record, but for CS and ME in particular, ALL students should consider CP a reach and have a safety or two.

When applying to Cal Poly SLO it asks for your CSU GPA to be entered on the application. It references the CSU Mentor GPA Calculator to be used to calculate the GPA. The CSU Mentor GPA calculator uses 10-11 grades. Knowing Cal Poly takes consideration of 9-11 grades, should we use the GPA CSU Mentor calculated GPA (grades 10-11) or go ahead and factor in the 9-11 grades for the Cal Poly Application and disregard the “10-11” directions on the CSU Mentor GPA Calculator?

And so this question ties in with this thread… do we use the 9-11 GPA calculation for the MCA calculation or the 10-11 GPA calculations for MCA?

You use the 9-11 CSU calculated GPA in the MCA

@BZ3Boys are you only applying to SLO or are you applying to other CSU schools as well? Be careful about putting a SLO (9-11) GPA and submitting the same data to the other CSU schools.

My interpretation is to enter a CSU GPA as is defined by the link provided on the application (summer after 9th grade - summer after 12th grade). You will enter in all of your high school classes and grades and SLO Admissions will recalculate using the classes that they want. If applicable, you will also enter in Algebra and/or Geometry taken in junior high as well as foreign language taken in junior high. The application asks for your junior high grades in those subjects but SLO has said that they don’t use junior high grades in their GPA calculation.

Oops, typo… I meant summer after 9th grade to summer after 11th grade.

Cal Poly and 3 other CSU. I’m thinking will need to do separate application for Cal Poly, and then application(s) for the other 3 CSU’s. I was careful to choose just the Cal Poly application first, but I haven’t investigated if I will be able to submit 3 other individual applications as well through CSU Mentor. ??? Anyone know?

@BZ3Boys we just finished the CSU application tonight. Submitted SLO first and then moved onto the other schools. Everything auto populates off of the SLO (or whatever school you do first) application. You can go in and edit a section but just don’t forget that you need to change the GPA.

I called SLO admissions this afternoon and waited less than 5 min on hold to talk to an admissions advisor. You might want to call and see if they want you to calculate the SLO GPA or to use the CSU GPA.

Thank you. Good advice.

what is a ca vet?

Someone who is a child of or are themselves a military veteran from California.

I believe, CA Vet is the veteran themselves not the dependent. Although if you are a dependent of a post 9/11 Vet with enough qualifying credits, you MAY be eligible for GI bill tuition subsidy. With that said, you can probably be sure that CAL POLY SLO gives admission preference to VETs because the school receives Federal Benefits,

I am so confused with this application- 2 main questions:

  1. I have an internship through an official program with a respected university’s lab- can this count as work? I spend so much time there I hate not accounting for it!
  2. Also: my GPA is 4.88 (max possible: 5.0) but my CSU GPA is only 4.13 out of 4.2…is that good or did I calculate it wrong?

@emxplusb, I would certainly count that as work, ad it sounds like it could be major related. As for GPA, yes that is correct. The Cal Poly application normalizes to a 4.0 scale and gives mild weighting to honors/AP/IB, so it’s possible to go above 4.0. It’s not a 4.2 scale. The MCA just caps at 4.2, counting everything 4.2 and higher as 4.2. The max GPA possible is dependent on how many classes are included. It would be hard to get above a 4.35 or so and still take all the required classes. 4.13 is solid, but is the average GPA of students admitted to the College of Engineering.

MCA of 4382 for Poli Sci. Think I have a chance?