Confused about MCA score


  1. Do you have any information about how CalPoly is adjusted for things like the new SAT?

  2. I heard at Cal Poly admission session that they count jr. high math grades if they are in High School classes for math (Algebra, Geometry… ) in the GPA calculation. I was surprised because I knew this wasn’t included on our H.S. transcripts. It would only help S17, but I have seen this written no where else.

No idea on the new SAT. Sorry. As for grades, this came up in a recent thread and a parent called. Only 9-11 are part of GPA. The earlier grades register as a pass.

@eyemgh OK I’ll stop niggling about the junior high math grades. Someone else asked this question already and got the answer from Admissions office, that seem a solid enough explanation. They should get their story straight because I was told they were part of the GPA in an info session. CSUMentor instructions for class 2016 do state:

But then the rest of the Cal State schools have your report 9th grade even if it doesn’t affect GPA.

Question any guidelines for calculating “hours per week” for the EC’s, nor how to tell if an activity is considered “leadership”.

Does Cal Poly every ask for Senior Fall grades? Cal State Fullerton asked my DD for hers several years ago.

I don’t really care because I think it a reach (I calculate his MCA to be between 4100-4200 depending on a few things). I just get obsessive about this type of thing. DS doesn’t really know what he wants to do except something in STEM, so I don’t think Cal Poly is great fit because it doesn’t take undeclared. Otherwise it’s what’s he’s looking for in a school. (OSU is top of his list for that reason.)

I found this way back in the thread…

This correlates better to what we heard in the Admissions Info session. Have to read the entire thread.

ED is no longer an option, so this 2 step reading process may change.

Does Cal Poly use summer school after 11th grade in their GPA calculation? I know the UCs do. Just wondering if I should re-calculate MCA. Thanks in advance.

Yes, you include grades from summer school prior to Senior year.

Quick question:
How did you find out the numbesr for calculating the MCA score? Like muitpling gpa by 535.5. And aside from the new sat. Do you think the numbers have changed at all? I know this post started in 2014 I’m just curious. Thanks for this feed it has been very helpful.

It came from a Cal Poly presentation about the MCA that used to be public, but was since pulled down. I went through and did the math based on what was posted. Others had done it too.


Sorry for the necro, but I’m extremely confused about the whole MCA thing. How does the MCA factor into admissions? I’ve been looking around and I found this: detailing how the MCA works. Since I have so many questions, I’m just going to list them out sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Do the Cal Polys look at 9-11 or 10-11? I’ve seen posts stating both.
  2. What does the Eligibility Index do? Is it used for SLO/Pomona?
  3. How does the new SAT factor into the MCA?

I’m going to list all my classes and projected GPA

9th grade
Honors Alg II
Honors English
Honors Biology
Honors Global Perspectives

9-10 Summer School
Perspectives of Art A
Perspectives of Art B

10th grade
Honors Precalculus
Honors English 2
Honors Chemistry
CP US History

11th grade
AP Calculus BC
AP World History
AP Chemistry
AP Computer Science A/B
CP English 3

Now, my CSU/UC gpa is ~3.75-4.0, depending on how I do this junior year.
My New SAT is going to be 1450+, but I have not taken it yet.
Can someone help me calculate my MCA based on this info (assuming I get a 3.8 CSU/UC gpa).

Much thanks! :slight_smile:

@gene167e7: I can answer a few questions but @eyemgh is the expert.

  1. SLO uses 9-11 a-g courses in their GPA calculation and it was also posted they consider Middle school Math and Language grades.
    You can use the UC/CSU GPA calculator to calculate your CP GPA, by plugging in your 9th grades and any 7th/8th grade Math/FL grades.

  2. All CSU’s except SLO use the Eligibility index so it is not valid for SLO but valid for Cal Poly Pomona

  3. Not sure how the New SAT factors into the MCA, but hopefully some other poster can answer that question for you. If not, you could email admissions with your question. They are very helpful.

@Gumbymom by language from middle school do you mean English/language arts or a foreign language? And for middle school math is it only honors or does Alg1 count (7th)? School does not have honors algebra 1, but in 8th grade I did take Honors Geometry. Thank you!

DOH! forgot spanish 2 in 9th grade and Spanish 3 in 10th

Also for the bonuses, do you count your senior year classes? And what if in 7th and 8th you’re school was in trimesters? Thanks!

Last question (sorry I’m freaking out) do they look at capped and Weighted or noncapped Weighted. Because not counting ECs and extra semesters I have a 3571. So I was kind of wondering as I feel that’s extremely low.

@gene167e7: Foreign language not English classes in Middle school. So if you took Spanish in MS and you start with Spanish 2 in 9th grade then your Spanish grade for MS will be considered. If you took Algebra 1 and/or Geometry in 7th/8th grade, these grades should also count. You get no honors points for any classes taken prior to 10th grade in the CSU/UC GPA calculator.

Hopefully other posters can address the trimester grades and you get the bonus points for your Senior year classes. There are no MCA thresholds, since @eyemygh is still trying to collect more data. Not sure which major you are planning to apply to, but for Engineering an MCA score of 4700 has been competitive for other majors I cannot say.

@gene167e7, based on your estimated grades and SAT, I think you calculated low. I’d wild guess based on your projections that you’ll be 4400ish. GPA is the number one factor for Poly. You’re obviously better off at 4.0 than 3.75.

I don’t know about trimesters, and the jury is still out as to whether or not middle school grades are counted, but if it’s worth anything, they didn’t ask for my son’s middle school transcripts. I think they are counted to calculate the rigor bonus, but not in the GPA. I don’t know that for certain though.

So, how is MCA used (assuming it still is used)? They rank all the applicants for each major and pick a cutoff score that will yield the number of matriculating students they want. Everyone with that number or higher get accepted. For engineering, that number can be very high, 4700+ as @Gumbymom said. For others it can be lower, likely much lower, but probably rarely if ever below 4000.

Again, thus is based on official info that was floating around in 2013. None of us know if it’s still the same or how the new SAT will impact it.

Good luck.

We toured campus in April. During the admissions presentation they said that they give you credit for junior high classes (math, foreign language) but do not use those grades when calculating GPA.

Round 2 of my questions :stuck_out_tongue: sorry @eyemgh

  1. Do they look at capped and Weighted or noncapped gpa?
  2. How do you determine your EC hours/week?
  3. Do you count senior classes for rigor?
  4. Based on my classes, I have a 500 point bonus for math and a 200 for Science (assuming senior year classes are counted) This would put me at 4258 not counting ECs, possibly other bonus points for course rigor. Is this good enough for business admin?

Thanks so much :slight_smile:

  1. the only GPA they care about is the CSU calculated GPA, but they include freshman grades.
  2. ECs are are all self reported
  3. you'll put the classes you'll be taking in your application, but they aren't used in your GPA (because you haven't taken them yet :D )
  4. maybe, as I always suggest, have a safety.

The things in your control that you can improve are these:

  1. make sure you get top grades. This is the last year they count in your GPA. Eyes on the prize.
  2. retake the SAT and if you haven't taken a diagnostic, find out if you're more suited to the ACT. They are VERY different tests and most students are suited to one or the other. NOTE: I don't know much about the new SAT. The differences might be less now.
  3. make sure you have a leadership role in one of your ECs. You don't have to be president or captain. Any leadership role is fine.
  4. Last, consider getting a job that is related to business. It's not about the hours you work, but getting the experience and the MCA bonus for "major related."

Good luck.

Eyemgh! Your insight has been absolutely on target all year long! Son is going to Cal Poly in Material Engineering Fall 2016 -tomorrow ! (turned down UC Davis, UCLA waitlist (his reach school), Merced (safety), San Jose State. Cal Poly was his #1 all the way. 32 ACT 710 Math CR 650. My son liked the ACT although he practiced the SAT more. Took 2 community college summer classes and AP classes and (test scores 4-5s) to boost raggedy ass GPA. Leadership in Varsity lacrosse and Boy Scouts, and took Engineering principals) although not an A-G course) and Architecture with CADS and some work related projects, work, partner school, all these things add up even when there are bumps in the road. Geek numbers --are just geek numbers. “Dicerre Faciendo” learn by doing is Cal Poly’s philosophy. I think part of their algorythm is accepting way more talented students that may choose UCLA or Berkeley or a private school with a fullride scholarship. They end up with great cluster of talented students (as my son) who will appreciate studying at Cal Poly. Most of my son’s contemporaries are going to UC Berkeley, UCLA, Cal Poly and UC Santa Cruz (EEC). They price is a great deal for an ranked Engineering school. Thanks for all your advice!