Confused about VCU major

my major is Political Science and I was just looking to get a B.A. in Political Science but I was on the VCU website and I see something called “Accelerated Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Political Science and Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.)”
Basically, I would be getting my Bachlor’s in 4 years and Masters by the 5th year. Obviosly to qualify for this I would have to take harder classes and earn atleast a 3.3.
It sounds do-able to me because I have always had a 4.0 in high school but I dont know anything else about how hard it could end up being. So should I just get a regular B.A. in Political Science and then go to grad school for my masters or take this opportunity?

Ask them about the latest you can apply. Your interests (grad) might change. Also, you might end up having the grades/profile to get into a better grad program. Gauge your interest near the end of the application deadline. There are lots of MPA programs out there. Why commit to one now, unless it was saving you tens of thousands and you knew without a shred of doubt that you wanted an MPA?