Confusion about pharmacy degree?

To get into the pharmacy program they recommend a bachelors degree in whatever, so can you apply for the pharmacy school right after getting a bachelors degree? Or do you need to spend the time doing prerequisites, or can you do prerequisites while getting the bachelors degree? And how long would the whole process take on average?

@22alleykat…Like many of the pre-professional programs, students interested in Pharmacy can work towards any Bachelor’s degree while completing the required courses to apply to the School of Pharmacy. Generally, the pre-Pharm requirements tend to line up better with the required courses for a more science-based degree, but you could major in Music, Business, or anything else you’d like while completing the Pharmacy pre-reqs. If you are working towards a less science-related Bachelors degree, it will probably take you longer to fulfill the various Pharmacy pre-reqs since you’d be taking less of them as part of your normal course load. You would normally plan on fulfilling all the pre-reqs by the end of your 4th year, as your application for the School of Pharmacy would be submitted during your senior year and you’d have to show completion or planned completion as part of your application.

thank you so much!