Congratulations to Lena Dunham, Oberlin graduate!

<p>Hope that other aspiring writers, directors, and actors/actresses are inspired by her.</p>

<p>But I guess Oberlin doesn’t teach you how to walk in heels . . .</p>

<p>As someone who has just applied to the college and hopes to take a major in creative writing (among other things) here I am so stoked!</p>

<p>I am so proud of her and her alma mater. Her awards are emblematic of an exciting period of growth for the College.</p>

<p>“Growth”? Not sure what you’re referring to. Oberlin has always had distinguished alums who go out into the world and flourish. Lena is just the latest.</p>

<p>I love Lena’s work from Tiny Furniture on. But as Dave72 said, Oberlin has a long history of distinguished alums from both the college and the conservatory. I do not want these folks in any way short changed because Lena stands out more in popular culture than many of the academics, musicians and composers.</p>