
<p>On behalf of the Penn Class of 2009 as well as all the current Penn students who post on CC, I would like to congratulate the newest Quakers on your acceptance to our beloved University.</p>

<p>Each of you has displayed quality in your accomplishments thus far, and I trust you will continue to aspire even higher when you arrive in West Philly in the fall of 2009. </p>

<p>I personally regret that I will not get to meet you in person, since I will be graduating in May, but I am sure the members here from the Classes of 2010, 2011, and 2012 will welcome you with open arms.</p>

<p>I wish you all the very best in your acclimation to college life - as you learn to call Penn "home". May the next four years be full of challenging trials, laughter, and tears, as you pursue the life journeys that have only just begun.</p>

<p>yay i got into Wharton!!!</p>

<p>Thank you, tenebrous. Your words mean a lot. I will make the most of my time at Penn!</p>

<p>Thanks a lot!!!</p>

<p>yes and thanks for your help during these tough times!</p>

<p>tahnk you so much</p>

<p>omg so siked. cant wait.</p>