Conn Coll RD 2025

Congrats!!! That’s huge!!


Just thought I’d come back to report that daughter committed to Skidmore today which has always been her first choice school. Conn College second. In the end we got additional $ which made Skidmore realistic. But I am sure she would have been very happy at Conn College too as it seems like a wonderful school! Good luck to everyone!! :grinning:

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Peachpie9 that’s excellent news for your daughter. It’s always great when you get to go to your 1st choice school. My daughter is leaning towards Conn College over Dickinson and Lafayette.

Her main reason is that it’s in New England and she will be closer to the schools that her high school friends are going to: Boston College, Vasser, UConn and yes Skidmore.

My wife and her visit next week to cast away any doubts.

Anyway, good luck to your daughter.

Wonderful! My son committed to Skidmore yesterday. We’re from MA. He’s majoring in Political Science. He decided Connecticut College was too small so is declining his offer today. It was hard because he loved the school, and they offered him a generous merit package. Love both schools! Maybe I will see you on the Class of 2025 Parents’ page. Good luck to your daughter!

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We visited Conn las week, these were our take aways.

The campus is beautiful! According to our tour guide there is a lot to do on campus however Juniors and Seniors spend a mix of their free time in downtown New London / Mystic as well as on campus. Thursdays and Saturdays seem to be party days. The rest of the week was relatively quiet.

The dorms are broken down into sections of the campus with most first year students being in the “Plex”. First year students will have between 1 and 3 roommates. Years 2 through 4 students can be in a single if they choose. They also have speciality house (e.g. a language dorm: the dining space is setup so students studying a specific language only speak in that language during meals. I thought that was very cool, lots of other options as well).

The majority of students on campus looked like my son NOT with respect to race but with respect to build (the campus did seemed reasonably diverse). He is a kid who enjoys working out and takes pride in the shape he is in. By no stretch of the imagination is he a jock or vain. He wants a campus that is both physically and academically engaged without the extremes of “Bro Culture” or 24/7 library students. It felt like these were people he could connect with both inside and outside of the classroom. As we walked around campus there were a fair number of people enjoying the day. A really nice and laid back vibe for a beautiful Monday afternoon.

The Connections program was really interesting to learn more about. My son is pretty broad scoped in his approach to academics, he enjoys STEM as much as he enjoys studying Latin. So for him the Connections program was not that critical but for those students who want a broad scoped liberal arts education without being “stuck” in classes they have no interest in, Connections seemed to really mitigate that issue.

I also had an interesting side conversation with the Dean of Admissions. I pressed him with some difficult questions. His answers were candid and very straightforward. I felt like I was talking with someone who was trying to help me find the best place for my son - I did not feel like I was getting a sales pitch at all (I did have that feeling at a different school).

Feels like Conn is going to be his home for the next four years!


Congrats to your son!! I think a lot of kids who apply to Conn also apply to Skidmore. I’ll send you a private DM. :grinning:

@dbmaine Thanks and good luck to your daughter! I hope she enjoys the tour, there’s nothing like seeing it in person. The reviews here all seem consistent… And probably one of the prettiest campuses I’ve seen!

I’m a freshman at Conn and although I am remote I already feel like I’m a part of such a welcoming campus, I already made friends who I can facetime for hours, was nominated to be a mentor, a student advisor, and was asked if I wanted to do a summer research with my professor. There are tons of opportunities to do what you love at Conn, and I can truly feel that they are trying to be a more inclusive place. The students are welcoming and there are many interesting discussions in classes so I am always excited to go to class.

I had a few personal problems earlier this year but the Deans were so accommodating and resolved all of it for me (when they didn’t have to). Conn really wants you to succeed.

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@dbmaine How did the visit to Conn go? Hope your daughter liked it!

She liked it and she just officially committed today. So finally the long journey is over. :blush:


@dbmaine That’s awesome! Congratulations to your daughter! I saw on Facebook that Conn was making some big announcement. I was curious what that would be!

My DS chose Conn…it was so funny - he had narrowed it down to two schools, Conn and one other school he was keeping as a backup because he thought being able to go to Conn was too good to be true. As a high school junior, he was able to go to full-day, on-campus open house events and attend classes (pre-pandemic) at both of these schools so he had a good sense of his fit at both schools. Three weeks ago he was at the Virtual Accepted Student Open House for the other school and after just one session, he came to me and said “Can I leave the open house? I want to commit to Conn.” and half an hour later - deposit was in and he had shopped the online bookstore for his first swag (no acceptance package or goodies have ever come from the school themselves though). @SuntasticMom I’m wondering about the announcement too - wondering if it might be the stats for the class of 2025 admissions cycle??? They said in one of the Camel Days sessions that they had some record numbers.


They said on one of the Camel days zoom calls with the deans that they had a record number of applications but they also accepted the most they ever had 40%. They are not having much of a waitlist and said they are using this years outstanding quality of students who applied to obtain some of their goals (diversity etc).

From what I hear, the big announcement will be that Conn received the biggest donation in school history.

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Congrats @mamasaurusrex !!! Super news! It’s funny about their big announcement b/c even though my daughter decided on Skidmore I am still so curious! LOL. @dbmaine that does make sense that it would be a financial donation although somehow not that exciting for the students!

Congrats!!! Such a wonderful school!!

My daughter committed to Conn on Monday, she is super excited! Congrats to all and thanks for the advice, etc! And yes they received their biggest donation in history, $30 million!

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Congratulations Lassy4 to your daughter. I agree. This thread has been a great help. Thank you everyone. What a wonderful start to the class of 2025 by having the biggest donation in school history.

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Great news, congratulations! Yes, that is quite a donation they received!