Connecticut College 2024 ED Thread

I have applied ED for Conn 2024 and didn’t see a thread yet!

2 days til notices

I feel so anxious

Did you get in?


did anyone else get in???

Hi, I’m from the UK and I got in?

I am an international student and was accepted ED! :smile: REALLY excited for fall 2020!

Can I ask what type of merit aid people are seeing?

Me too! I can’t wait

I got the $15000 merit scholarship which really helped!

I did an ED2 to conn college, am an international student. I don’t know what’ll happen.

@Wantogetin1 Good luck! Where are you from?

@kim12345678ng Thanks, I’m from Nepal. Did you get into Conn College?

@Wantogetin1 My life exactly.