Connecticut College without Sports

I have heard numerous times that Connecticut College is no fun unless you are on a sports team and that the social life stinks unless you play a varsity sport is this true?

It sounds like you are really searching for a strong social environment. Only you can define what that really is for you. If you attended the Camel Day session today you likely heard from existing students, staff and faculty about the opportunities for students to get engaged on and off campus.

I notice that you have asked this question on several occasions… which tells me this is a topic you feel very strongly about. With 2-3 weeks remaining before Decision Day, it may be best for your to reach out to admissions and ask them to connect you with current students to get a better feel. My D21 found the Coffee with a Camel session to be very helpful in getting a clear vibe for that the school and student body have to offer.

If, after talking with current students, you still feel uncertain… then Conn may not be for you.