Connell school of nursing

Thank you for taking the time to explain this. I noticed this on the virtual tour but wasn’t clear exactly how far away or how many were housed there. Good to have as much info as possible and helps to know it was a positive experience for your daughter

I forgot to mention that the School of Nursing is in facilities that are new only a few years ago. My tour didn’t takes through the Nursing School, but it was available to visit upon request. You might want to contact Admissions in advance to make arrangements to include Maloney Hall.

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They are still a little strict about Covid but hopefully we can attend an Open House this year where you get to explore specific programs.

Hi, my daughter is a freshmen at BC Nursing, and for the class of 2025, over 1100 applied and 100 were accepted. It was less than a 10% admission rate.


Thanks for sharing! Did she apply early decision? Any other info you want to share would be great, like SAT score?


99 enrolled for nursing so 250-300 should have been admitted.


#3 in her class out of 330. GPA 5.1, 1490 SAT, president of national honor society, capt of math team, capt of varsity basketball, played soccer for 4 years, peer leader, DECA, history club, homecoming court….regular decision.

Wow! She sounds amazing!

Hi, my D currently a Connell senior.

The acceptance rate/admissions for Connell is very low. That 50% number that someone threw out there is waaaay high. More like 10-15%. Lotta smart women in Connell.

My D lived on the Newton campus frosh year. Liked it, made lotta friends, nice area, nice shuttle services. Easy food. Don’t let Newton discourage you, besides your D needs to learn the real world which includes shuttle buses.

Connells clinical arrangements are excellent. Lots of great experience with some excellent hospitals and clinics.

Never heard anyone discuss a physics requirement. My D Never took high school physics. Just AP bio, stats, calc, etc.

Good luck!

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UCONN no longer requires physics

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For it to make sense that BC Nursing has a 10% acceptance rate, 100% of the applicants they accepted would have to decide to enroll there, i.e. they accepted 100 applicants (as reported in this post) and all 100 enrolled. That doesn’t happen anywhere, not even at Harvard.

Petersons can be a couple of years out of date, but they report a 56% acceptance rate at BC Nursing. My guess is that this is closer to reality tha 10%. The colleges themselves often don’t release data on the acceptance rate of individual schools within the college, so I’m not sure how accurate any of the estimates are.

Continuing the discussion from Connell school of nursing:

The 10% acceptance rate was told to the parents of the nursing students by the Dean of the Nursing school during a luncheon last fall. That’s where the number comes from

Thanks, but as the story was told, it can’t possibly be true. He got something wrong somewhere.

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Some programs do have close to 100% yield…notably some BSN and BSMD direct admit programs, as well as film making/production programs, I’m sure there are other examples.

Connell School if Nursing isn’t one of them, judging by the numbers Peterson’s reports. But again, the colleges don’t report these facts on individual undergraduate colleges. Connell’s numbers are nowhere to be found in BC’s Common Dara Set.

Ported in he earlier post, the numbers reported by the Connell Dean would have to be absolutely 100%. There may be some extremely unique programs that get close to 100%. But there’s nothing so unique about Connell that every single applicant accepted there would automatically choose them. Students applying to Connell are applying to a number of other nursing schools as well. Anyone accepted to other nursing schools as well as Connell is going to be attending only one school. A number will opt for some place other than BC. As the story is presented, the math just doesn’t work.

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I encourage you to NOT use Peterson’s for insights to college admissions. I looked for the 56% you are citing for Connell’s acceptance rate and don’t see it. I imagine there’s no source cited for that number anyway.

Regardless, Connell is a premier, prestigious nursing program with a low acceptance rate. I 100% defer to what @Marsh8119 said the Dean stated….about 1100 applied, 10% accepted so about 110, 100 enrolled. That seems reasonable, especially considering BC’s overall acceptance rate for class of 2025 was 18.9% (Connell’s rate is typically lower than the overall rate).

Please let me note that I went out of my way more than once to say that I was not using Peterson’s. I was just using it to contrast with the dean’s sales pitch.

I am very, very familiar with the Connell School of Nursing. I paid 4 years of tuition there and my daughter graduated from Connell with distinction. I have nothing but good things to say about her 4 years there and for the value of her degree. I have recommended Connell to others, including to some on this forum, any number of times.

However, the claim that anything close to 100% of those accepted actually enroll is preposterous. Your reference to BC’s recent 19% acceptance rate has nothing to do with their yield, i.e. the percent of those accepted who actually enroll. From BC’s own data, the 19% accepted represent 7,587 applicants who were accepted. Of that number, 2,516 actually enrolled, which is about one-third. Since you want to use that overall total as a guide for yield at the nursing school, there you go. And this was a high point for BC. Their yield in the several years previous was 25-30%.

All the data I’ve posted here is available on BC’s own website. I’d love to have anyone who disagrees provide a source that can be referenced and verified rather than a feel-good anecdote told by an administrator to a group of parents.


Connell is still my daughter’s number 1. What SAT score would be considered too low to submit? What’s the cutoff?

There is no cutoff as such. BC took a big jump in selectivity last year, admitting only 19% of their applicants. The SAT range for the middle 50% of their enrolled students in this past year’s freshman class was 1430-1510. They don’t report what the range is specifically for admitted students at Connell.

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