Connell school of nursing

That’s a link to the graduate school, which may be the reason for the confusion

What link?

Just an update….my daughter was accepted ED! Thrilled!!!

Wonderful!!! So happy for you and your daughter. I’m biased, but I’m of the opinion that Connell is the best nursing school in the country. My daughter is about to begin the last semester of her nurse practitioner program. Connell was a great launching pad and she made life long friends at BC.

She is already connecting with others on Instagram! The parent Facebook community is very welcoming. I’m very excited about what the future holds for her.

Boston’s world class hospitals make BC a great place to learn to be a nurse! My daughter was offered a job right out of college at Boston Children’s Hospital, based on her clinical experience there. It’s the #1 Children’s hospital in the country.

Nursing students are guaranteed 4 years of housing on-campus, which is one of a number of percs for nursing students. My daughter chose to move off junior year because she wanted to live with her girl friends most of whom were not nurses. Off campus housing was very nice and was just down the street, a short walk from campus. The college provided van pools to clinicals for nursing students who didn’t have cars. Sometimes the students prefer to car pool.

I hope she has a great experience there!

Seems like they take very good care of them. :heart:

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My daughter is getting ready to submit her applications and BC School of Nursing is one of her top choices. May I ask what your daughter’s SAT score and GPA was? My D is thinking she will apply ED…

Hi there!
My daughter was valedictorian but I would say top 10% is what they are looking for. She got a 1480 on her SAT. They are looking for lots of volunteer experience, maybe a big community service project. ED 1 is the way to go if it’s her first choice! Please feel free to ask anything!!

It’s so exciting, we had orientation and we absolutely love it!

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