<p>Hey I am an international student in Shanghai. I am currently attending an American high school. I want to major in chemical engineering. Here are the colleges that I am considering applying/going to:</p>
<p>Dream: MIT, Stanford
Goal/target: Berkeley, UTexas, UIllinois, UToronto, McGill, UBC
Safety: UMinnesota, UWisconsin</p>
<p>Most likely I am going to one of the colleges in the goal/target schools (that doesnt mean its impossible to get into MIT or Stanford) If i get into MIT or Stanford I would definitely go there regardless of financial aid (my family can afford). </p>
<p>Here comes the question, should I go to college in the US or Canada (excluding MIT and Stanford)? Which do you recommend and why? My nationality is Canadian but I have lived in China for most of my life, so I really don't have much nostalgia to Canada. U.S. and Canada are both foreign countries and new environments to me. Canadian schools are in overall cheaper because I am a canadian citizen and they are more international and diverse. However, UToronto is ranked 1st in LEAST ACCESSIBLE professors on Princeton Review, that's some disappointment. However, its prestige and excellence in the field of engineering is still attractive. Berkeley, UTexas, Uillinois are all good US colleges, excellent in engineering, but they are less international/diverse compared to the 3 canadian colleges listed above. I need some info on their campus life, professor accessibility as well.</p>
<p>Please note that whatever you answer will be important to my consideration and choice, so answer carefully and responsibly
Thank you very much.</p>