Considering pre-med

<p>I got accepted to college and am very interested in taking the pre-med classes. I've been really interested in medicine and have seriously considered it over the last three years. At the moment it's the only thing I can see myself doing but I hope to get some closer hands on experiences to see if it's what I really want.</p>

<p>Beyond that though, I had some general questions on pre-med programs, I know a lot of rigor and studying is involved but is it doable? I'm a little worried that I wouldn't be able to handle it. Could any pre-med students tell me how they're handling the courses in general?
The thread about a student breaking down sort of scared me....</p>

<p>Also what's the best preparation for these classes ahead, should I do some extra studying over the summer before college? Or have an idea of what major I want to concentrate on right from the start? </p>

<p>Sorry if these questions get asked alot, i've read through some of the stickies but I just feel a little overwhelmed at the thought of what might be ahead and I have no idea how to prepare for it.</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone that can shine some light on the academic rigor ahead and if there's anything else in the stickies I should check out just let me know.</p>

<p>Edit: If it helps to know, i'll most likely take courses at Ithaca, SUNY Geneseo, SUNY Stony Brook or Union College.</p>

<p>Nobody can say how you’ll handle the pre-requisites or whether they’ll be hard for you. That’s dependent entirely on your abilities and the professors you get. If you’re cut out for it, you’ll be studying more than most, but not as much as some. You’ll be taking some difficult classes, but they’re not the big monsters that everyone makes them out to be (organic chem’s the big one that everybody hypes up). The best preparation for classes is not to pre-study (don’t let classes consume your life! Do something fun or productive instead) but rather, to go in prepared to learn. There is absolutely no reason you should have to study for a class before it even starts. </p>

<p>In the meantime, try and get some experience in healthcare (shadowing, volunteering, etc) and check out the stickied FAQ in this forum.</p>

<p>Oh and Led Zep rules!</p>

<p>you really dont need to prepare for them… ur overthinking college… to me its just school at a bigger scale… just that the classes are a bit harder… but to make up for that, ur now older…lol</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - U Alberta Medicine MMI Video 2009 (1/2)](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>just take it easy please</p>

<p>^ Haha oh man…wow thanks so much for posting that vid. I’ll try not to end up like the super competitive girl. :P</p>

<p>And thanks guys, you’ve sort of eased my mind a bit, I guess i’ll just give it my best shot when the time comes.
And GoldShadow I like the idea of getting healthcare experience over the summer, I suppose that would do more to help me see if it’s what I like. I did volunteering a year ago and worked in the same hospital last year but they keep shoving me in the paper filing rooms. I’ll see if I can talk to some of the doctors while i’m there atleast.</p>

<p>Until then crank up Physical Graffiti and try to finish this physics packet. XD</p>

<p>Thanks again guys</p>