Construction on Phase 4 of Science and Engineering Complex to start this Spring

<p>[Earmark</a> loss won’t halt construction |](<a href=“]Earmark”></p>

<p>Loss of earmarks won’t affect plans for the $70 million structure. Wonder if that is when they will lop off the back part of the old engineering building just north of Ferguson Center?</p>

<p>Thanks for the update. :)</p>

<p>I think that it is great news that the construction will continue as planned. I am sure that the university will be able to make up the monetary difference. To see that the university is continuing its plans for expansion confirms a good college choice. It is important to complete this project as planned in order to fulfill UA’s goal of becoming a major player in research.</p>

<p>When I was with my nephew and SIL on Friday, it was mentioned that when the complex is complete, it will be the best in the nation. I don’t know what/where that info comes from, but I’d like to know for future reference.</p>

<p>Yes, the back wings of HM Comer (also known as MIB) will be torn down to make way for Phase IV. It appears that Phase IV will connect to the remaining part of the MIB at the south end of the building.</p>

<p><a href=“http://img.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/v133/feenotype/Misc%20UA%20photos/bilde-1.jpg[/url]”>http://img.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/v133/feenotype/Misc%20UA%20photos/bilde-1.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>They are cutting off the back of HM Comer, which is the area that includes the foundry. Phase 3 is supposed to be done about a year from now, which is is fabulous. Apparently, Phase 3 will contain a lot of new labs for research and senior design projects.</p>

<p>November 2011 is the target completion date for phase 3.</p>

<p>Anyone know if the construction begins with the cutting off of the back wings of HM Comer? Or does that come later?</p>

<p>What is in the back wings of Comer? Is it something that is used? If so, maybe they will want to have the replacement area built before that area is torn down.</p>

<p>Lots of engineering teaching and research labs. The MTE department’s foundry, for example. I believe everything in those wings will be moved to other buildings, such as SEC Phase III, this summer. Construction will probably begin in the fall immediately after Phase III opens.</p>


<p>What’s the word on the entire complex? Last Friday, I think it was the tour guide (or maybe someone else) who said that when the complex is complete it will be better than what any other school has. </p>

<p>I have to tell you, when we were roaming around inside of the SEC, it just seems immense…it just goes on and on and on.</p>

<p>Not sure what you’re asking, m2ck. In my opinion, the SEC will definitely be on par with science research facilities found at Top 25 universities, such as the Stevenson Center at Vanderbilt, which is not bad at all considering the lack of a research medical school here.</p>

<p>* In my opinion, the SEC will definitely be on par with science research facilities found at Top 25 universities, such as the Stevenson Center at Vanderbilt, *</p>

<p>I’ve heard it will be better than the top 25. That’s what I’m asking.</p>

<p>Hmm…I don’t know how one would measure something like that objectively.</p>

<p>Square footage? Research dollars spent?</p>

<p>I’m thinking number of labs, number of labs for student research use, equipment in these labs, etc…</p>

<p>Something like that, yeah. I would like to think that the tour guide was basing his statement on some sort of objective measurement.</p>


<p>Right…I’m sure that the guide was told the basic fact, but I was wondering what criteria it was and where that is written.</p>

<p>I don’t want to quote that fact without being able to point to something in black and white.</p>