<p>What is the Hometest for Cooper Union (for both architecture and art)? </p>
<p>Btw I'm a sophomore so I'm not applying to colleges anytime soon. I just want to know what it's like in case I decide to apply Cooper Union.</p>
<p>What is the Hometest for Cooper Union (for both architecture and art)? </p>
<p>Btw I'm a sophomore so I'm not applying to colleges anytime soon. I just want to know what it's like in case I decide to apply Cooper Union.</p>
<p>there are examples of past home tests on there.</p>
The site didn’t help much.</p>
<p>I’m looking for concrete examples like “draw a bicycle”</p>
<p>There are concrete examples. ONe person posted his entire hometest including the questionaire:</p>
<p>[cooperunion:</a> hey kids](<a href=“hey kids - The Cooper Union — LiveJournal”>hey kids - The Cooper Union — LiveJournal)</p>
<p>the cooper union home test just has really open questions on it, it is never the same, they like things that are both technically brilliant and super conceptual. there is a written portion too, i think. get ready for the best brain teaser ever.</p>
<p>I am glad the these questions are taken seriously. I am hopeful I will find persons devoted to their chosen artifices outside of the internet.</p>