<p>I have figured out how I will cope if I dont get in: I will be at the final set construction day for the school play, and as sets director, I can do what I want. I will just find every saw I can find, cut up lots of pieces of wood and then find some nails and a hammer and make random shape. That way I will let my anger out through force. But lets hope I dont have to do that. How will you cope?</p>
<p>i will repeatedly keep telling myself that dartmouth is just overrated and the weather there sucks.</p>
<p>I will cut my wrists and cry myself to sleep.</p>
<p>lol jk.</p>
<p>i will try to be more zen about it. Dartmouth is a great school, and the facts are there will be approximately 1100 deserving kids who will be deferred or outright rejected tomorrow afternoon. </p>
<p>So I have to accept the odds and look at it this way: S wrote a really good essay, his short answer was meaningful and direct. His grades are good with stats within the range (ACT’s much stronger than SAT’s). His EC’s are really solid and his recommendations were undoubtedly great. There is no second guessing, he put his best self forward and he’s strongly supported by his teachers and counselor. If he is denied, well… based on all the things done right, then it just wasn’t meant to be. It’ll suck, but the truth is, regardless of the answer, this particular limbo will be over.</p>
<p><inhale deeply=“”> ohm <exhale> repeat for the next 8 hours.</exhale></inhale></p>
<p>Interesting reading to pass the time:</p>
<p>[Dartmouth</a> College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dartmouth_College]Dartmouth”>Dartmouth College - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>I packed my weekend with fun times with friends (NYC, someone else’s school dance, Sunday-funday) so that no matter what, my weekend will still be fun and I’ll have something else to think about after the decisions come out.</p>
<p>I won’t be angry with myself, but I’ll definitely be disappointed. What I’ll do is hope with all my might that my RD apps pull me through…</p>