Core workload?

<p>Just curious: How much work is involved in all the core classes? I assume you write lots of papers, especially in LitHum... what are they like?</p>

<p>It depends on the teacher for Lit Hum. Tons of reading is a given, but the amount of papers varies. In my class, we only do 1 paper a semester.</p>

<p>The workload for Uni Writing, however, is ridiculously high.</p>

<p>oic… see i love reading and discussing, it’s just the writing everything down that deters me a little bit…</p>

<p>so this is gonna sound extremely naiive, but what would be the avg length of a serious paper expected of students?</p>

<p>i was just hoping for a little perspective, since right now i’m struggling with just 10-page literary analysis papers for ap lit… :(</p>

<p>Yeah UW made me cry :(</p>

<p>But the good part about it is that nothing else seems intense after.</p>

<p>It really does depend from teacher to teacher: you can have 3 five page papers in a semester, or one 10-15 pager at the end. Personally, I prefer the former, because you’re kinda-sorta-not really expected to work on the latter through the whole semester when the reality is that no one starts working on it till a week before it’s due. And that’s a pain in the butt. </p>

<p>Bottomline: The workload varies, but is definitely manageable. Once in a while you’ll burn the midnight oil-but if you manage your time, it doesn’t have to happen.</p>

<p>Confused yet?</p>

<p>Yeah I agree with cerb. To add, Uni writing papers rage from 1500 to 4000 words. It takes forever, but getting the length isn’t really the problem. It’s figuring out precisely what you want to say that takes so long. So don’t be daunted by the length (though I must say I barely had weekends last semester ;_; ).</p>



<p>My first paper was 5-6 pages. Second was 8-10. Third was 14.</p>

<p>^^ So you got screwed, huh? :D</p>

<p>Don’t worry, Stacy, Karot’s experience is an outlier.</p>



<p>Not really. My papers were 5-6, 8-9, and 10-12 if i remember correctly. Didn’t you take UW in the transition year cerb when they switched from whatever the class before it was called (rhetoric and something?)</p>

<p>lol it’s okay i guess, since first semester this year i’ve had three 10 page essays already… just turned in my fourth one of the year… i guess i’d just have to worry alot about quality.</p>

<p>but then again i haven’t even been accepted or anything like that</p>

<p>The longest paper I wrote at Columbia – for any class – was 9 pages.</p>

<p>I’m under the impression that for LitHum and CC, you have to write a certain number of pages per semester (something like 15?). Each instructor handles length requirements differently, though. I had a ridiculously light workload for LitHum (I mean, beyond the readings), but I think mine was pretty unusual. My CC class is fairly standard (one 5-page paper and one 8-10 page paper, plus a midterm and final). But there’s also a ton of reading. Also, the level of analysis and kind of treatment of the works expected differ from instructor to instructor.</p>

<p>UW was more time-consuming than I thought it’d be. The funny thing is, FoS (which isn’t all that time-consuming beyond the lecture and seminar) is 4 credits, and UW is only 3. But in UW, all you do is work towards writing those papers, so there isn’t a lot of work on top of that (and some of the essays you read are pretty interesting).</p>

<p>I don’t know about the standard Art Hum workload, but for Music Hum, you have to write concert reports, which are usually 4-5 pages. I think for the most part, they’re pretty easy. And, of course, the Major Cultures/Global Core classes vary widely in workload, since it depends on the class you take and the instructor you get.</p>

<p>Art hum and music hum are no big deal.</p>

<p>Skraylor: you’re right, I guess my UW workload increased with each paper–I just blocked the fact from my mind :slight_smile: And no, I didn’t do UW in the transition year, that might have been 2006? I graduated in 08. UW’s precedent was L&R–logic and rhetoric</p>