<p>"Secondary-School Subjects </p>
<p>16 units, including 4 of English, 3 of mathematics, 3 of science, and 3 of one foreign language (Deficiencies should be explained in a letter accompanying the application for admission.) "</p>
<p>I have everything except for 3 units of a foreign language. I'm an international from Canada who took only 2 years of French, but I can speak another language fluently (native language).</p>
<p>Do I have to write a letter like it says on the website?</p>
<p>I never knew that there was a 3 unit language requirement :(
Has anyone applied to A&S at Cornell, and got in without taking 3 units in a foreign language?? Please help</p>
<p>hi I’m also a Canadian who took only two years of French
ask your counsellor to explain your situation in her letter, thats what I did and I got in ED this year
hope that helps</p>
<p>My counsellor already submitted their rec-what can I do now?</p>
<p>ask counselor to send in an additional email and also mention about it in your additional comments on the commonapp</p>
<p>okay, so an e-mail from the guidance counsellor will be fine? (is this what you did-an email instead of regular mail?). If I write it in the additional comment section, won’t it get sent out to all schools? That’s kind of strange.</p>
<p>congrats, btw :D</p>
<p>where does it say 3 years of one language? it just says three years…</p>
<p>i took 2 years of spanish and 1 latin…</p>
<p>it says so here: <a href=“http://admissions.cornell.edu/forms/FreshmanRequirementsChart.pdf[/url]”>http://admissions.cornell.edu/forms/FreshmanRequirementsChart.pdf</a>
under A & S</p>
<p>I only have 2 units of French
does this mean I actually have to write them? Or can I just e-mail?</p>
<p>an e-mail from counselor is okay.
you can make different versions within your application so only Cornell will see your additional comments</p>
<p>really? I heard you can only make 1 version of the common app-how do I make it so only certain schools see the additional portion?</p>