Cornell Average Salary Info by College (2006)

<p>I thought it was interesting. I ranked them, descending order.
Some people were asking for this…so, here we go:</p>

<li>Engineering $57,016</li>
<li>Industrial and Labor Relations $45,820</li>
<li>Hotel $44,540</li>
<li>Arts and Sciences $42,635</li>
<li>Agriculture and Life Sciences $41,173</li>
<li>Human Ecology $39,917</li>
<li>Architecture, Art, and Planning $36,087</li>

<p>data was found from here: </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>i just thought of something.....does business consulting really pay that much? cause i had no idea ILR was #2 in terms of salary</p>

<p>yeah, it really can. Don't forget, the ILR salary includes all of the people in union work and nonprofit - notoriously low pay.</p>

<p>ILR once again 2nd :)</p>

<p>Engineering pwned all the n00bs</p>

<p>engineering is much harder work than consulting...</p>

<p>Keep pushin forward ILR! Wait till they get my stats! lol jp...altho I do want a high paying job haha. It's gomestar's stats we should be watching for. The ILR salary will spike suddenely hahaha.</p>

<p>fd36, most careers that ILR students pursue require large amounts of human interaction and <em>gasp</em> social skills, which many engineers notoriously lack, so don't be so quick to judge.</p>

<p>$44540 for hotel... DAMN. and we have to pay 50k each year.. with interest... -_____-</p>

<p>I'm making $25,000/yr. Go Arts and Sciences! whoot!</p>

<p>lol fd36 is an ILRie, so don't be so quick to judge. ;)</p>

<p>not bad : )</p>

<p>I'm aware, tun (He's judging a group that he happens to be a part of. Isn't that judging nonetheless? Almost a witty comment, though, good job.). I was pointing out that he's not entirely correct and that though engineering might be "harder" many engineers are not suited to pursue careers that ILRies typically do (this works both ways).</p>

<p>I have to admit, I was a bit surprised (and happy!) to see ILR up at #2...</p>

<p>agreed...but i live in a town with the largest exxon refinery in the USA i know the horrible heat and danger that comes from being an engineer....albeit engineers arent usually the ones doing all the labor or even being the ones outside all the time :P</p>

<p>Do students from ILR go into investment banking? If so, can they get the same jobs as econ majors and aem majors?</p>

<p>yes ILR has been known to graduate quite a few investment bankers, but you need to go outside of the ILR requirements and perhaps get a concentration in econ or lotta classes in AEM...</p>

<p>yeah, they do. AEM majors average only about $1000 more than ILR majors in the financial sector (ill give the salary stats when i find them again). I don't know about econ majors though.</p>

<p>For the Class of 2006 (latest data out), ILR grads obtained full-time employment at places such as:</p>

<p>Americorps; Bain & Company; Banc of America Securities LLC; Barclays Capital; Bristl-Myers Squibb Company; Citigroup; Cornell University; Credit Suisse Group; Cummings, King & MacDonald; Deutsche Bank Group; General Electric, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.; Google Inc.; Grossman Marketing Group; HSBC Group; IBM Business Consulting Services; JPMorgan Chase & Co.; Major League Baseball; NBC Universal; World Bank Group, etc., etc.</p>

<p>-source: 2006 Postgraduate Survey of Bachelor's Degree Recipients, Cornell University ILR School (hot off the presses).</p>

<p>you dont really need to take all of these extra classes outside of ILR to land in ibanking.</p>