Cornell Class of 2027 Official Thread

what does it say?

I can access as well. I’ve clicked on it over 10 times and its still working.

what does it say there?

Yes can access

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how come so many ppl can access that doesnt feel right :sob:

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ikr?? sm ppl get waitlisted?? could also be a cc sampling bias

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selection bias, most ppl on these forums have high chances of getting in

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i see access denied

when I click the link, it just says my decision will be read at 7


Access denied for us

do you think being able to see the waitlist is a good sign? like an indicator of getting in? everyone who is able to access it seems to have such good stats

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shows Access Denied…
this doesn’t mean accepted, it could mean straight to rejection.


refresh and click on link again

nah, that just takes you to the portal. click on the link after you login to your portal

i think if you see waitlist, you are waitlisted lol

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oh nvm I can access it hahah

Can someone with a “likely” try it and see what happens? It would be much appreciated.


and if not, then it means acceptance or rejection

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