cornell essays

<p>How far over can i go on the essays where it says 250 words maximum without it being a problem?</p>

<p>at 251 words they burn down your house and rape your cat</p>

<p>250 words is what, half a page? a little longer is fine as long as its reasonable. that's probably not the answer you're looking for but it's the correct one.</p>

<p>My two essays were 260 and 230 words and I was accepted. They're not going to think twice unless you're really pushing the limit, but don't go too overboard... after all, following directions is a part of success too...</p>

<p>I asked and they said don't go over the limit egregiously. If it's 250 and you write're in trouble. if you're a few dozen over, thats ok, but try your best to make it under 250.</p>

<p>thats father worked on a medical acceptance board and theyd scan and discard all statements over the maximum...<em>shudders</em></p>