Cornell Human Ecology - CHANCE ME


  • US domestic
  • State/Location of residency: AZ, phx metro area
  • Type of high school : public, semi large (~500 seniors), semi competitive?
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity : female, of native decent (onondaga, 25%)
  • Other special factors : n/a

Intended Major(s) human biology, health & society

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.93/4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA : 4.47/5.0
  • Class Rank: 26/486
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 31 act (33E, 33S, 32R, 26M)

AP Human Geo (9th)
AP World (10th)
AP MicroEcon + Gov, AP Stats, AP Lang (11th)
AP Bio, AP Lit (12th)
Also taking PLTW Biomedical Sciences all 4 years, last 2 years are weighted.
Focusing on more life-applicable math classes like stats and finance rather than calc.
Took into anatomy + physio DC, received As

HOSA Bowl - 1st State and 2nd at ILC (2022), plan on a clean sweep with my team this year

Medical Documentary of the year (2022), focused on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

AP Scholar

Golden Scholar (GPA>3.8 uw), all 4 years of HS

College Board National Scholar (2x, Rural/Small Town and Indigenous Recognition)

1st at School Science fair - Bacteria growth on varied surfaces on relation to the spread of disease, completed this at the start of the pandemic, very relevant to healthcare at the time

Best Brain Removal - fetal pig dissection through BioMed

Server at an assisted living facility - (16-20hr/week)

Internship at local hospital/cancer center

Completing research with Loyola University on the resurgent need for MT post-COVID in oncology departments

AzHOSA member

Symphonic Violinist - school ensemble, audition only, grades 10-12

All-Region Violinist - (my region is the hardest to get into in AZ) 10th + 11th grade

Orchestra Council - Historian (11th), Stage Manager (12th)

Tri-M Member - 10th - 12th grade

Science National Honors Society

Founding club at jr. high to get students involved in STEM/Med/BME

Main Common App - story of how my premature birth (25 wks) has impacted my life + increased confidence and advocacy for preemies. (AP Lang teacher who is a Princeton alumn said he thought it was powerful + loved the intro)

HumEc supp - probably writing it on my experience/bond with doctors and how I fell in love with medicine over HS + working to overcome barrier for Natives in healthcare

BioMed teacher - known for 3+ years, traveled together to Nashville last summer for HOSA ILC. very strong, 8.5-9/10

AP Lang teacher - deep down he appreciated me last year. Wrote a VERY kind and descriptive LOR, speaking to me outside of STEM. 8/10


  • Safety - UArizona (accepted w/ 18k annually + honors college) + Michigan State (accepted w/ 16,250 annually + honors college. working on Maynard Kennedy turtle island award + contemplating BS/DO program) + Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • Likely - USD, Baylor
  • Match - UT Austin
  • Reach - UPenn (ED - rejected), Northeastern, Cornell

Did you submit the tests?

I think UT Austin is a reach but you have good acceptances already and I agree your likelies are likely.

Best of luck.


I did submit my test score for UT Austin only because it was in the range. Will probably not submit for Cornell since they are just out of range and could hurt my chances more haha.

Are you interested in eventually going to medical school? If so note that Cornell is a tough place because of its grade deflation. Many premeds so the competition is stiff. For med school you’ll need high GPA (> 3.7) and MCAT (preferably > 514).

The native american ancestry could help boost your chances.

You might have a better chance at combined programs (BS/MD, BS/DO, etc). Your ACT is actually decent, I would submit.

My plan right now is to go to med school, although that might change (really considering maybe getting a masters/PhD before applying again if I’m not accepted to med school round 1).

I am strongly considering applying to MSU 3+4 program if I end up going there and I do plan on applying to UArizona’s APME program (I really have no expectations since they only accept 5 applicants per cycle). I don’t have the scores for Baylor2Baylor Med and my other schools don’t have combined programs so that’s my situation right now.

I’m honestly doubting my ACT score because I was rejected from UPenn and I submitted my score there, but honestly it’s a lottery even at that level. Might as well go for it to show (especially my science score) that I don’t suck at test-taking.

I just looked at your ACT scores again. The math score is dragging you down. You might consider a re-take. Even though the retake is after the deadlines, you will have scores before the decisions are delivered in RD.

Have you thought about small LACs? If you go to a place where you can graduate at the top of the class, it will make it easier for med school admissions. Also you might be able to get scholarship money at smaller colleges. Seems counterintuitive, but going to a less competitive college might actually help you stand out for med school admissions.

Your chances at Cornell are fair – Similar to your chances ED at UPenn where you were rejected. Many people in my area applied to Cornell in this ED cycle – There are some with numbers a bit better than you who got rejected (including one I know at Human Ecology), and some with numbers in similar/slightly worse range who got accepted.
Your ECs are strong which will help you.

You have a realistic chance, keep your fingers cross. But don’t be disappointed if you don’t get in. Very very few students can ever say they have better than a 50% chance there.

You look competitive. My Humec daughter is a few years out so I am less familiar with current admissions stats/criteria but our experience was that Humec is very much a fit school - they have a specific “feel” and if you’re a good match chances go up. You look like a good match to me on several of the criteria - research focus and community service focus. I think your ECs show you’re consistent about your interests and I think that’s important at Humec. Make sure you understand the priorities of the college and demonstrate that in your apps and I think you will have a strong application. Good luck.

I know! I took the ACT a fourth time after getting my 31 to try and raise my math → Superscore but it stayed the same. I can’t seem to get past a 26 math which sucks. I might try one last time, but overall my score is decent and I’m satisfied with it.

I might apply to Reed and Colgate but I really don’t want to spend much more time + money on college applications.

You need to apply TO IMHO

ts, what’s “apply TO”?

Test Optional - don’t submit your ACT.

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march 15th 2023 update:


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