Cornell is now what you can call a “Public Ivy”?

3 random unrelated points.

I feel like the point of this thread is that parents/students/alumni (but probably mostly parents) of non HYP Ivies can put their school above Cornell. The term Public Ivy is being misused to imply that Cornell is inferior to the others. HYP doesn’t need to get involved, because the perception is already there that all 5 others are inferior to them. This reminds me of middle school. The meanest kids in the popular group are usually the ones with the lowest status. They feel the need to put down each other to maintain or improve their position in the pecking order.

I personally know a kid this cycle who choose Cornell over Stanford and Brown. Prestige isn’t everything, and he just felt a better fit at Cornell.

Son was recruited by a coach at a NESCAC school that mentioned getting an Ivy League education from their school. He said this in pretty much every email and letter. Not Ivy equivalent, he called it an Ivy League education. This is from a school that probably does give an equivalent education. Maybe saying it that way impressed some kids or parents. But actually calling it Ivy League and not making that distinction really turned me off.

@dadof4kids “I feel like the point of this thread is that parents/students/alumni (but probably mostly parents) of non HYP Ivies can put their school above Cornell. The term Public Ivy is being misused to imply that Cornell is inferior to the others.”

As a parent of a non HYP Ivy student Cornell is in my mind every bit as rigorous, elite and praise worthy as my kids school. So are Duke, Chicago, Gtown, Vandy, UCB, UVA, etc (hardly an all inclusive list).

All of these schools have unique characteristics, areas of focus and geographic differences. They share however the ability to provide a student with a great education.

I hate terms like public Ivy because it sucggests a need for comparison. My son or his friends never respond to the question of where do you go to school with “one of the Ivy League school’s”. Instead they take pride in the individuality of the school they attend. Parents could learn a bit from our kids example.

Cornell Engineering has between a 6% and 7% acceptance rate for men, about twice that for the ladies . In many ways the Cornell engineering program is rated the best in the IVY. They have great programs to help the 1st year engineering students get involved in projects and with the difficult classes. It is not like MIT which is sink or swim.

It is easier to get into Cornell liberal arts programs then all the other IVY. But if you worked that hard to get to that level you want to find a major/program that is going to lead to better career goals. I was at a tour of Yale last August and the tour guide was a Political Science grad who had not found a job in 3 months and was getting desperate. A liberal arts degree does not do what it once did in the job market even from Yale.

I can tell you all departments at Cornell are very very strong. I would know because I changed my major five times. If it were not for their location, they would be ranked much higher. Bad weather except for summer and bad location (too removed). Campus is one of the most beautiful imo.

There are so many ridiculous comments in this discussion about “public ivy” …I cannot waste time justifying them with a comment.

I will say it is silly to assume one would not choose Cornell over other Ivies…when in fact many do, especially for the specific programs that are unique to ONLY Cornell.

If you don’t think h and y don’t give a bit of a break to the local students each year - statistically, is misinformed. Talk to the kids at Latin and other Boston area schools.

I love that Cornell has some connection to the state that granted the charter and pathways for success.

I agree with @skieurope Each school has a unique set of characteristics. Heck there’s a whole thread on UChicago perceptions vis a vis Ivy schools and Rhodes scholarships etc. I think that focus misses the point as well.

I think for many students, the “throwaway“ applications that drive admission rates lower are not doing so at Cornell.

In my, albeit small universe, the students think of Cornell as exceedingly rigorous and competitive.

Especially for premeds cs maths and engineering. Which are a growing part of the calculus in today’s majors in focus.

Its cutthroat and weed out reputation is actually daunting for many.

Unlike many other Ivy League schools where, rightly or wrongly, the perception is that the most difficult task is to gain admission. Failure isn’t part of the expected experience. This isn’t true imho but it does have an impact on the application volumes to me.

Cornell in my eyes is the Ivy U Chicago and UCB. Get in and buckle up.