Cornell is rich

<p>Yea...I'd venture to guess that no one here has the actual intent of beating you up...</p>

<p>ACornellA...hmmm...considering how have a knack oh getting on MANY people's nerves (it's an art i tell art)...i wouldn't be so sure

<p>hah don't worry, i have your back :P</p>

<p>Have fun fending off hordes of Cornell students.</p>

<p>Arjun, why would cornell accept students that cannot pay for college? Cornell as well as the rest of the ivies meet 100% all the financial needs of all students, but I'm not sure if this applies to internationals. Giving an acceptance an international that cannot pay for the education would consequently lower the matriculation rate.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>the above thread will put to rest all qs abt int'l aid...</p>

<p>I don't have a problem with the lack of aid to internationals. It would be the same situation if I were to apply to a school in another country.
Universities in the US mainly benefit people who live in the US, not foreigners.</p>

<p>Check out: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Interesting Facts
These facts were recently published in a German magazine which deals with WORLD HISTORY.</p>

<p>38% of Doctors in America are Indians.
12% of Scientists in America are Indians.
36% of NASA employees are Indians.
34% of MICROSOFT employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL employees are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are Indians. </p>

<p>hmmm...considerin the fact that we've done sooooo much for u guys, u owe some thing :p</p>

<p>and thats just indians...</p>

<p>I bet most of those are Southeastern Indian Americans, people who are either citizens or permanent residents in the US.</p>

<p>They mayb US Citizens or PR's, but they still r Indians :)
Many Indians are offered US citizenship after they do something really innovative... Remember Sabeer Bhatia, founder of Hotmail??</p>

<p>at some point these were int'ls at ur universities...and most dual citizenship holders bec Uncle Sam wants them...
Dude, ur prez accepted a Nuke deal 'dicatated' by Indians...
cmmn...don't deny it...ur economy owes a lot to us...
lets consider even ur place, Cornell:
my freind's a mechanical engnr there...and he's already the leader of the camera systems of the UAV project and in the SAE team...and he's just a freshman...the bedrock of most of ur teams is formed by int'ls</p>

<p>ronty007, everyone from America has ancestors that came from a different country, so I don't get your point. Nothing is going to change the fact that US universities mainly serve the needs of Americans.</p>

<p>dude, most of the Indians there r first generation Indians whom the US govt. and industry want badly. Moreover, Indian and International students bring diversity to US University Campuses. Its true that the main purpose of US Universities is to educate the american minds, but when they take resources from other countries (many professors of foreign countries are there, endowments from companies run by Indians, etc...) they have a duty towards them also. :)</p>

<p>one more thing,
the US universities owe us more intellectually and financially bec once we graduate, int'ls donate more on an avg than americans</p>

<p>But yes, the major focus of Universities of any country is to educate their population first. But all Universities wants to have good talents, and if some foreign student can fulfill their dream, and the University has the resources for that student, then why shouldnt the university offer that student admission?</p>

<p>lets end this unfruitful argument (i don't wanna be banned from CC bec i was arguing on somethin widely accepted)</p>

<p>the point is, though US universities obviously have more of an obligation towards u guys...they owe something to us because ur economy NEEDS us....we supplement ur economies need of intellectual resources...
u may argue the otherwise...why our univs don't give u the same status:
1) Our economy is self-sufficient in talent
2) U wouldn't come, even if we open our doors
(cmmn, do u think u'll apply to the IITs even thou its the #3 engineering institute in the world, and it looses the #1 position because it has no int'ls!!!)</p>

<p>Arjun, I dont agree with those rankings. Those are complete bull$hit. It ranks IIMs among the world's top 100 Tech Institutes... so its not credible. And no way IIT is above Stanford.</p>

<p>US people usually (there r some US students in India) dont come to India becuz they have world class universities in their country. IIT wont offer them as much scope in jobs as their US counterpart Universities. Our country is overpopulated thats why we dont have labour shortage.</p>

<p>k thats weird...
IITs not above stanford u say?
hmm...consider this...IITs acceptance rate is .2% and Stanford's is like 60 times that...
thou in terms of all round development US univs are way ahead...many Indian students go to US because they're seeking all round development...i for instance want to pursue my passion for bio/ political science along with Engineering and thast why i'm going there...
but in terms of brain power, IIT scores terms of all-round development, other universities score higher</p>

<p>Um, whoever posted the thing about indians, i have something to say. Yes, while it is true that a lot of indians are intelligent and hardworking..there ARE A BILLION of you. Perhaps if there were a billion british people, a billion italians, or a billion swedish, even, then maybe 33% of the nations scientists could be from these countries. But as long as you guys have the monopoly on <em>birth</em>, statistics about indians will always be skewed.</p>

<p>No malice towards indians is meant, I just wanted to point out the inherent flaw in making statistics for a people whose population is 5 times that of the country that the job statistics are based on.</p>

<p>Can you name a single Noble Laureate from IIT?
IIT's acceptance rate is so low becuz many dumbos do write that exam. I know many applicants to IIT who arent even sure of passing their XIIth. Its not so in Stanford's case. Application to Stanford isnt low. Be logical. Why would so many IIT grads want to do MS/PhD in Stanford and other US universities than continuing at IIT?</p>