Cornell Note-Taking System

<p>Do you use it?</p>

<p>I use it for everything. It makes studying about a million times easier. I sometimes skip the Summary, though. I can't be arsed to do it half the time.</p>

<p>I’m not applying to Cornell because I assume they made the note-taking system, which I think is the biggest waste of time in the world. I’m not really a note taking person…</p>

<p>Never. My freshman year history teacher stressed Cornell notes so much and how they would help in the next four years of high school. After that class, I’ve never used them but I get higher grades now…</p>

<p>“I’m not applying to Cornell because I assume they made the note-taking system”</p>


<p>I agree, Cornell notes are a waste of time. They are for the kids who aren’t organized enough and do not know how to study (imo).</p>

<p>My school shoves Cornell notes down the kids throats. Seriously just because it works for some people doesn’t mean it works for everyone and it’s wrong to force feed it to someone who it doesn’t work for.</p>

<p>My grades actually got better when I started using them.</p>

<p>But their time consuming so I only use them now it it’s for material that I truly don’t understand.</p>

<p>Did somebody say “a load of bs”?</p>

<p>mehhh ive never rlly needed notes so…only do them if they r graded which was only in like 9th grade</p>

<p>Ughhh I used them in seventh grade- I hate them; I like taking notes my own way better- less confusing xD</p>

<p>I just looked it up on Wikipedia. It sounds organized and useful. I shall avoid it like the plague.</p>

<p>I just looked it up, and it seems really dumb.</p>

<p>Why would you waste time doing all that organizing when the teacher’s still lecturing? You can do all that kind of stuff at home from what you’ve taken quick notes on.</p>

<p>I never used my notes to study. For APUSH and English, for example, the exams are so in-depth that it’d be easier to just study out of the book.</p>



<p>Well, I don’t follow it to a T. I just steal the general idea. I simply fold the paper back to create a left margin, then write my notes on the right side. At the end of class, or even when I am doing my homework, I jot in some questions. The night before the test, I go back to my notes, cover the notes and try the questions.</p>

<p>It depends on the class and the teachers teaching methods. I have used it in most science classes.</p>

<p>we’re using it in my APUSH class. it can be a pain, but i’ve gotten used to it</p>