<p>I guess this may seem odd to some big red faithful, but I was seriously considering both schools and realized that in a lot of social science/liberal arts related fields Michigan was ranked near or above Cornell. I figure there both larger, spirited institutions...what do you guys think?</p>
<p>While Michigan does tend to have stronger social science programs than Cornell – especially in economics and political science – I’m not certain how much those differences will matter at the undergraduate level. You probably would still have more opportunity for professor interaction at Cornell.</p>
<p>I have quite a few friends from Cornell who are now getting their PhDs at Michigan; all of them have quite a lot of respect for the undergraduate program at Michigan, but think it would only be worth it over Cornell if you are in-state at Michigan.</p>
<p>For football, though, it is really no contest.</p>
<p>The University of Michigan is more than twice the size of Cornell with 41,042 total students of which 26,083 are undergraduates. Cornell’s enrollment stands at 19,800 of which 13,520 are undergrads. [Source=Wikipedia]</p>
<p>So, compared to Umich you would probably be less of “merely a number” at Cornell – which might be advantageous particularly in the first few semesters. Also, the screening standards for the student body at the undergraduate level are higher at Cornell.</p>
<p>My daughter was accepted early action to Michigan but deferred ED to Cals. Is it a good sign that she got into Michigan? Which school is harder to get into? BTW, we live in NJ.</p>
<p>Cornell is harder to get into. Michigan is more of a numbers game.</p>
<p>^^and just to add to that SVMMom, UMich took many more OOS kids this year so that they could capture the OOS tuition in this budget crunch year. Great thing for those who really want to go to UMich!!</p>
<p>That is what I am worried about. I don’t think Michigan will give hardly any financial aid.</p>
<p>yeah right. michigan is terrible.</p>
<p>OSU for life!!!</p>
<p>I’m studying Econ (interested in policy so would do PAM at Cornell) and the contract colleges are a sweeter deal than OOS tuition at Mich, I think. Although both schools are favoring OOS this year, it seems like…well hopefully just for Ed. I’m a transfer so hopefully it’ll be different for us. U Mich is definitely one of those “public ivies” but cornell is an actual Ivy and more difficult to get into…if I lived in Michigan I would go for U Mich though, just to save money. Lucikly I’m from NY and so HumEc is a lot more appealing</p>
<p>Have you seen Cornell’s team recently?</p>