Cornell RD Class of 2025

Omg congratulations to you guys! My best friend got an email!
I have a question, who is considered a diversity student?
Like underrepresented minorities or all minorities (including asians)?

or is this a completely different thing?

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Are they sending these diversity acceptance emails in waves or all at the same time?

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I’m not sure if they were sent all at once or in waves.

I think anyone is getting one today because they also announced Milstein finalist. And identity isn’t a heavy influencer in Cornell admissions it has only a slight impact. They won’t just accept anybody bc of identity.

do you think they’re done sending the emails?

Oh my friend told me that he thinks he’s part of the diversity outreach because he’s very low income.

But they are sending letters to anyone today? If you don’t get a letter today, should you be worried at all?

You definitely shouldn’t worry if you don’t get a letter, most students that are admitted don’t receive a letter.

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Daughter got the letter today

Did ILR likely letters come out?

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Did anyone who applied to human ecology get one?


SHA is Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration, itself contained within the SC Johnson College of Business. Many SHA applicants (myself included) were notified of our acceptance on March 1. However, this does not apply to all SHA applicants and many soon-to-be admitted students were not notified. Congrats to everyone accepted today, and I hope to see many of you on campus in the fall.

Yes i got one for ILR

No, don’t be surprised or worried if you don’t get a letter. It’s for a select few like you said diversity outreach low income, URM, things like that.

@chicknuggies They did the SHA likely letters all at the same time on the same day and that was it. This is probably the same thing for these including the Millstein. Not sure if all of these people also received Millstein letters or not.

The bulk of all of the acceptances will be on April 6.

Which other ivies have given out their likely letters?

Did any international student applicant get a likely letter?

I am wondering if all URM’s receive likely’s? I’m sure it’s a small percentage that are admitted therefore I’m thinking all URM’s may have received a likely? What’re your thoughts??!

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From what I’m seeing here and my classmate, diversity means more than race to Cornell and also includes socio-economic status and other differentiating factors.

Last year, one of the seniors got into cornell and he was a very low income student, but he got his acceptance on decision day. So no, I don’t think all Diversity students are admitted today.

No, I know some people who found out on Ivy day.

Correct. All diversity applicants do not find out today.

There are plenty who will find out in April. This is just a small few that stand out for one reason or another. Just because you didn’t hear today, doesn’t mean you will not be accepted.

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"Your application to Cornell University has been reviewed by the admissions selection committee, and I am writing to let you know that you will be offered admission to Cornell. Although the Ivy League schools won’t officially notify students of their admission decisions until early next month, we wanted to share this good news with you now.

I hope this advance notice of your admission to Cornell will encourage you to learn more about this extraordinary institution. We will be reaching out in the weeks ahead to invite you to take advantage of opportunities to connect, ask questions, and learn more, so that you may begin to see yourself as part of the Cornell community and consider all of the meaningful ways you can contribute as a student here."

Is this a likely or is that an immediate admissions?