Cornell RD Class of 2025

yes it is for everyone

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Did anyone else never receive a financial aid checklist or even have access to one? I have only been accessing my applicant portal since january, which does not show the financial aid

Check Application Status | Financial Aid here you go :slight_smile:

Regular email or Cornell email

It’s through whatever email you used to apply

Same here . His older brother ED to Cornell but we did not let our younger ED due to pandemic circumstances and really concerned that hurt his chances

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Yes it was not a year to be committing to ED. Good luck to your son. Did he also apply to Engineering?

yeah. I’m middle class but I’m also first gen and part of multiple URM groups, I think that’s why I got the letter early. don’t stress if you didn’t get a letter.

Any URMs still waiting to hear?


Both of my twins got a likely letter. Apparently they got it on Monday, but hadn’t opened it until today. One is Dyson, one Human ecology.


half the time i try and access the financial aid portal I have no problem, but the other half of the time i get a message that “I am not authorized to access this component.” Any ideas why?

It happened to me and I had to close my browser and reopen it

Just seeing now that my Parent’s W-2 form has been initiated but not received. Everything is successfully uploaded to IDOC so I am confused about how they don’t have the forms. Is this going to hurt me when it comes to the amount of money I receive? Hoping that this won’t be a big deal being that decisions are coming soon.

bro mine is like that too! I emailed the financial aid office but nobody emailed me back. I think there was something wrong with my w2 tho tbh, like I don’t remember actually submitting it with my parent’s stuff, so I just uploaded it specifically last night to IDOC. I need this aid :frowning:

ugh it’s so frustrating! i’ll let you know if i hear back from them and/or figure it out

Thank you!

I had the same issue. My mother uploaded the same document twice, and the IDOC didn’t realize. They have to add the W2 up and make sure it equals the first line of your 1020 tax thing, and if it doesn’t add up, they don’t mark it as complete. I called today and she had to manually check that it was correct and change it. I suggest you do the same. It just sucks because this means that mine and your financial aid packages are only being counted as received now even though they technically had everything already. @NATE20082915 @going2college098

does everyone have several transfer options under the upload documents section of the portal? wondering if this means guaranteed transfer

Which portal?