Cornell RD Class of 2025

Yes my daughter is still waiting. Hope it isn’t bad news to not get he likely letter.

Thank you! I’ve been looking for something to help us and I couldn’t figure anything out. I will call tomorrow and let everyone know in case anyone else is experiencing this.

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That is a great news! Congrats!

Today was not a good day for my son. He was rejected from Harvey Mudd and Carleton. Definitely he won’t get accepted to Cornell. CS major.

Everyone gets rejected from schools no matter how good you are. It might not be apparent but different schools look for different things. Don’t lose hope as Cornell just might surprise you.


Schools that we thought were safety are no longer safety. I ran the Parchment’s acceptance projections, he had several schools with 80% chances to get accepted, but quite many gave him waitlist or rejections. He was also selected for the fly-in program from Carleton, so I was a little optimistic, but they gave him a flat-out rejection.

Keep your hopes up. It’s more different this year then we all thought! Best of luck to your son!

You’re not alone! Feeling the same way for my son also. Didn’t except the HM rejection, it stung a bit,

Thanks Guys!! Harvey Mudd is always tough for boys, but this year is much tougher. Good luck to you too!!

Aah, that a good point.

I think all schools are tough to get in this year due to the influx of applicants plus the test optional. It’s just unfortunate for the class of 2025. If locals are having a hard time getting admitted, imagine us international applicants. A pat in the back for us all. Hang in there. We’ll get accepted somewhere, somehow. Let’s keep our hope afloat.


My son showed me a YT video of someone last year who was denied at USC, waitlisted at Michigan, and accepted at Princeton. You never know.


There are actually plenty of these stories floating around in these threads, believe it or not. You really can’t base it off of previous rejections because there is definitely a big element of luck involved.

So I just called Cornell financial aid and told her which form said “Initiated”. She went on to my IDOC for me and said that everything was there and she did exactly what @asdfgabjkl said and counted it manually. So I had done everything correct but she still had to write a note in my file that it was complete. BTW @asdfgabjkl she said it would not affect the amount of financial aid that I will receive so I wouldn’t worry! Hope this helps @NATE20082915!

Thank you!!!

Yeah I meant to say it would just affect the date your financial aid came out, not the amount. She said they are the ones who decide what day the deposit is due, in a way, because they can’t make people decide if they haven’t got their financial aid. They’re super behind. My sister is in her second year at Cornell and she only got her financial aid package in AUGUST. I can’t imagine how late they finished freshman financial aid last year.

They were very late with FA last year and school had already started when packages were finally released and many people went through the roof because Cornell is not generous with aid and for many they were paying way more than they expected to pay or had been paying the year before. I recall in one case someone paying $30k more this year than prior. Another who’s student contribution was almost 5 digit range but couldn’t earn summer money because of covid. Work study this year especially is very limited on campus so that has a big impact as well.

People often think that when a school says 100% of unmet need that means it’s free but that’s not at all the case. Many students take out an inordinate amount of debt to attend college or Cornell and it is not worth it. Cornell is also not easy to get to and Ithaca is a really expensive college town. But separate from Cornell, no college is worth it. There are plenty of great colleges that won’t put people in debt for the next 30 years and give them a great education and life. People need to consider all options and the downside of huge college debt.


What transfer options are you referring to?

What do you mean by “transfer options?”

I have gotten rejected from basically all my regular decision colleges so far. I have had multiple breakdowns considering that I have gotten rejected from a “safety” school. Cornell’s decision release date is the latest for me and I am just hoping that I get in. I haven’t received any emails from cornell since I applied except my interview and that’s it.