Cornell RD Class of 2025

They send out likely letters to URM and women in engineers instead of what the majority of applicants are so that they have a diverse class. They shoot for half the class to be women every year unlike other engineering schools with a much lower percentage.

They will disclose closer to the fall which is what they did last year and they still admitted a lot of legacies in ED as I could see that on the parent page.


No one really knows that for sure since they haven’t released that. Each college should have postponed info on their college page. Engineering clearly states they don’t defer a lot and in past years that’s usually about 20-25%. Which is probably similar this year but of course more kids since more applied.

I have no doubt way more kids applied to the test blind programs as well since everyone had a free pass on tests as opposed to just the test optional. So the data of them having so many apps this year may be so skewed heavily to test blind vs test optional there.

Also, I think they were very regional based in their acceptances. Haven’t seen one kid in our general area accepted ED which is also not normal, so hoping they were just waiting to see what came in during RD and taking time due to covid. But really without data who the heck knows! Everyone on the outside is also operating in the blind!

Few more weeks everyone will know!

Where on the page?

Sorry, it’s the current parent fb page. Only parents of current students are in it but a ton of those parents are legacies. Plenty of legacy kids also did not get in but regular decision some will and won’t then also. It helps to be legacy but as you know, they are usually high stats kids as well and generally know what they’re in for.

Oy, I know … DS is a dbl legacy, but I’ve come to terms that it’ll likely be RPI :slightly_smiling_face:

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My daughter is a quadruple legacy… both parents and one set of grandparents. She has been to campus a couple times and isn’t in love with the remoteness of Ithaca…hence no ED application where legacy is said to matter. She already got into JHU, which she is leaning towards at this point.


Congrats! JHU is wonderful …
I don’t know … Big Red is still a home to us … I mean we got married in Anabel Taylor Hall :slight_smile:
(DS WILL be applying ED this fall) but I am not holding my breath …

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You’re at least not too far! We have to connect and have always gotten lucky with flights except this January when she went back her flight here to Detroit had a frozen toilet of all things so it was delayed and they had to switch to United to Syracuse instead. Only set them back a few hours but during normal vacation periods we usually have her come and go a day before just in case which has worked for us. Last year returning from Thanksgiving there was bad weather but because she left Saturday night she got there others weren’t so lucky and couldn’t get to Ithaca until Tuesday or Wednesday. They cancelled classes on Monday. Had to again one other time. As you know, they never cancel classes there but twice last year!! This year not bad at all but it helped they left at TG and classes didn’t start up until February.

But airlines cut back flying there and that’s been a pain and it’s really expensive another downer so it’s a lot of inconveniences in that regard. But my kid is happy and that’s all that matters.

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According to AOs we spoke to, legacy at Cornell is only considered in the ED round, not in RD

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My Financial Aid portal is somewhat confusing. Under “to do item” it has Federal Verification Worksheet and due date as 02/15/2022. How come decision is not even out and the due date showing as next year ?

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Back in 1999 when I was a senior at Cornell, my spring break flight had to emergency land in Syracuse after flying around in circles for hours to burn off fuel. We had to do the whole emergency thing, fire trucks lining the runway, etc., and after we got there they just thanked us for flying Northwest and left us in the airport at 2am. No cell phones, shuttles, Uber, etc. luckily my boyfriend, now husband, came to get me!

Yes, I know but plenty also get in during RD. That’s all I was saying. Just in general it is a hugely heavy legacy school.

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Yes, ours still does.

From Cornell financial aid website:
The US Department of Education (ED) selects certain FAFSA files for a review process called verification. When this happens, our office is required to ensure that the information reported on the FAFSA is accurate.

If your application has been selected, both ED and our office will provide you with instructions on how to proceed. Federal verification is an important part of the financial aid application process. We cannot process your financial aid award until the verification review is complete, so we encourage timely submission of all requested documents.

Yikes! Last year some of those TG flights had to fly to Albany and Rochester and wherever they could land. It was a sh*t show. This is why we try to send her back a day earlier than she needs to be just to have the cushion. That was the only good thing this year about no breaks because way fewer flights. Once there and back each semester.

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does yours say “received” under status

yes, it says rerecived. Does it mean I need not do anything extra… ?

yeah im not sure. I dont remember submitting it but if it says received we dont need to do anything else. If they need something, they definitely will email us