Cornell vs. Johns Hopkins for Neuroscience/Pre-med

Right – boiled down, they are both great academically and will serve you well if you are willing to do the work, shake the hands, be good to others, etc.

Bar none, i believe that to be true. You can go anywhere from either school.

So to me, it boils down to money and fit. you’ve said that the cost to attend them is similar, or isn’t a concern.

So, frankly, pick the one that feels most like home… where you want to be. A secondary consideration would be Plan B in case pre-med becomes onerous or no longer feasible. My best bet is that you’d be fine at either Hopkins or Cornell. Both are known for rigor.

*Edited for brevity and staying on topic.

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Where do you want to spend 4 years? Which place feels “like home”?
Both are equivalent in all respects so all that’s left is “fit” - what YOU like, without a thought for outcome (outcomes will be similar and will depend on you, so where you feel you’ll be happiest, most likely to thrive, will be the key variable).


Agree with others, you can have great experiences at either and be well prepared for career or med school.
They are very different physically, in environment, and so pick that which attracts you.

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Please let us know which university you decide to attend.


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