Hi All,
I’ve been extremely fortunate to have been accepted to 3 great engineering programs and I’m hoping you could give me feedback or help me think of things to consider when deciding between these colleges and their environmental engineering programs?
I’m strongly considering each school and could use some push/pull in one direction or another. I love Cornell because of the distance from home (I’m from Southern California) and the name recognition it has. Rice is great because of the relatively small size and beautiful campus (it’s also a good distance from home). UCLA has a gorgeous campus, great weather, and my parents are both alums. I mention the somewhat superficial reasons I like these schools because I feel I can’t go wrong with the engineering programs and education I would get at these 3 universities.
Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
@redpoodles Haha…I don’t know. I’ve gone to the snow once in California and that was a fun experience, but I’m not sure what life would be like during the winter months in Ithaca. Am I crazy for thinking that could be an exciting part of the experience?
Snow is all about your attitude toward it. You will freeze the first winter no matter how warm your coat is. But after that you’ll get used to it. Let me put it another way-- would you miss the sunshine? As in, could you be at risk for SAD?
If you’re ok with the weather, I’d pick Cornell. But you are right, it’s three fantastic choices you have there.
I don’t think the weather would be so bad that I would get depressed. I’m actually looking forward to a change of scenery and snow would be “interesting”. I’m sure I would miss the sunshine at some point, but I’m prepared for that. I also plan to make it home for Christmas and summer, so there will always be something to look forward to when the weather gets tough.
Cornell for sure if financial aid is on your side. If each school is affordable to your family, then Cornell is currently on top of the list for not only the recognition, but also the opportunities in environmental studies at a school with acres of land. I’m also in the West Coast (AZ) and got an early-write to Cornell, but the weather will be a challenge. If you have other schools you are waiting to hear back like me, then hope for a school closer to the Western part of the U.S. that is the same caliber as Cornell.
Have you visited Rice and Cornell?
Rice flew me out for an overnight visit in February and I loved it. Cornell is flying me out for an overnight visit in April…
You are one lucky future engineer. Decide in April, after you see it. It’s a huge campus, which is daunting to some. But beautiful. You will probably know from that visit if it’s for you or not.
What about money? Are there price differences in the options?
Luckily cost won’t be an issue. Some options will be slightly more expensive than others but nothing will be cost prohibitive.
You’re gonna get some biased answers posting this on the Cornell page, so definitely try to find some more objective people as well! Trying to be as objective as possible: they’re all wonderful schools. If you want to get away from home, then Rice and Cornell would both bump to the top of the list, but don’t underestimate the power of homesickness! I say definitely wait to make a decision until after visiting Cornell and Ithaca. It’s absolutely beautiful here, even in winter. As someone who has lived in Ithaca her whole life, I can say that the cold honestly is not that bad. You get used to it. What’s a million times more annoying is listening to everyone complain about the cold. Someone mentioned SAD, which is definitely a real thing (again, something I have mostly gotten used to after living here 18 years). But Ithaca is the number one college town in America and has a ton of redeeming qualities despite how much people will complain. Again, I’m biased and sort of lost track of my objectiveness throughout this post.
But SAD doesn’t just happen it Ithaca. It’s a fact of life in the dreary days of winter. As a matter of fact, Ithaca in winter is very pretty. I would be really affected by SAD if I lived in Cleveland Toledo for example (no offense meant).
I live in Chicago, and yes, we get it too.
You can’t go wrong either way, but I would choose Cornell for engineering.
@ranza123 I want biased answers! I’ve posted in each of these college’s forums and I’m hoping to be drawn to something. Unbiased/objective responses are appreciated, but I’m all for the homer responses!
Hahaha well in that case Cornell is 100% the best and you should come here!
I think that college is a good time to experience another part of the country. If the finances work out, I would go for Cornell or Rice, even though UCLA is a great school. Rice will be very hot at times; Cornell will have all that snow. Which appeals to you more? Since you are from Southern California, it might be fun to experience the Ithaca winters.
I’m with green 678. Soak up the vibes of each place when you visit and let us know what you decide!
Things just got a bit more complicated as I was just accepted to USC’s engineering program today. I’d probably rank them a tad bit higher than UCLA in terms of personal preference.
The world is your oyster, nebhar97.
@nebhar97 I’m in a similar situation as you. I’m caught between Cornell, Northwestern and Berkeley for Business.
I’m excited to know that you’re going to Cornell, they are flying me up on the 19th, maybe we can meet each other, haha!
Anywho, I think your best bet is Cornell. I’m not being biased as I’m also from the sunshine weather of sunshine state Florida and I’m 100% it is going to suck when the sun doesn’t come out at Cornell for 4 months straight… but that’s definitely worth it for the education. I can say that all the 3 universities you have mentioned are amazing at engineering programs. If you want just statistics - Cornell comes in as #13 in best engineering school in the nation, Rice #31, and UCLA #14.
Like I said, it all comes down to what you feel is right for you, but personally I’d pick Cornell. It’s funny, because in answering your question, I kind of answered my own. Thank you!