<p>Which one would be harder to get into?
Assuming that if I'd apply to AAP in Cornell (not architecture, just art)
and the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts in WashU.</p>
<p>Also, I heard that it is harder to apply to the art schools of these universities than to just apply normally/not declaring a major
does anyone know if this is true?</p>
<p>Thanks so much :)</p>
<p>I don't know about these schools in particular, but specialized programs within a university are often more difficult to get in to [than the same school's college of arts and science]. However, it is generally very difficult if not impossible to transfer into these programs. Thus, you cannot get out of the harder competition by applying to the regular school and then planning to switch over.</p>
<p>Have you posted this question in the "arts major" section of the College Majors forum? Go to Discussion Home and scroll down until you see it. Since your question is so specialized, you might get more response there. You might also post a question in the parents forum, but put a different title on the thread, more like "Question for Art Student parents..." asking for the conventional wisdom on that topic.</p>
<p>art at Cornell isn't nearly as hard to get into as Arch. The admit rate from arch. deflates the overall acceptance rate into AAP</p>
<p>thanks jazzymom! i'll give that a try :)</p>
<p>any more responses?</p>