Cost for NY resident at UMaine

Hi, My daughter is interested in the Physical Education program at UMaine. Anyone have an idea about cost to a NY resident? Our state is not on the match program. I was also wondering about merit for a NYS student. Her stats are 3.8 gpa, will be taking the SAT/ACT in spring. Thanks.

I know someone from Connecticut who got a $25k/yr scholarship so it’d cost her about $20k/yr to go there. They have an honors college with no separate application. I’d need more info (predicted SAT/ACT, weighted v. unweighted GPA, and how many APs), but a 3.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale seems likely to get a merit scholarship to me.


The flagship match for “all other states” is $13,200. Your D may get an invite into the honors program as well. My D had similar stats but did not get extra $$ beyond the flagship match, nor an invite into honors. My S had lower stats but did get an honors invite.


Thanks so much for the info. Although her Gpa is 3.8, her PSAT was not that great. No AP’s (after watching our oldest take all the AP’s, and have a very stressful academic HS experience, we changed it up for this kiddo, as her life is consumed with travel sports.) Especially since none of my older daughters credits even counted at the university she choose! She did take a few SUPA classes that she excelled in. Not really looking into honors college. She is in SAT tutoring and that is going well, so hoping for a much better score. Finding a college with a P.E/coaching major is not that easy. We love Maine and the vibe when we visited with our older D. I guess we will just wait and see.

No advice, but I hope she ends up in Maine! :slight_smile: It’s a wonderful place to live. I know UMO tries hard to get kids from out of state, so I think you might be surprised.

Thanks for the info. She was an 8th grader when we visited UMaine with our older D and she loved it. I remember the speech at the beginning of the tour, and they threw out a number in the $40k for NY residents because we were not a “match” state. My D never applied so I have no idea what kind of merit they give. This D is a completely different academic kid. Smart, but for reasons we went through with older D, we focused not so much on AP’s. She did take SUPA courses, and excelled at them. Our HS is extremely academically competitive and our regular classes are probably AP level. Not looking for honors college, just hoping for some $$$. There is no way we are paying $40+ for a state school.

We love Maine as well. It’s an 8hr drive from us, but I’m a New England gal and would love her to go there. At least she wouldn’t be teased anymore for wearing her Patriots, Bruins, and Red Sox gear! Finding a college that has a P.E./coaching degree in the Northeast is actually quite hard. We have one of the best programs here at our state school, but it’s 40 minutes away. A lot of her friends and classmates will go there and she wants something different. Hopefully, it works out. We are from Syracuse, so the snow and cold are not a problem. :grin:

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I thought that UMaine gives the matching rate to all states now? At first there was a list of match states, but I thought that changed over the years.

Of course it is very easy to find out - call them.


Thanks for the info. I just looked on their website for the match program. They will not match our state school, but do give a $13,200 merit award for all other states. She would qualify for this, so that would be nice.

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