Cost info

<p>So my family and I are really new when it comes to financial aid stuff and I was just wondering what is a reasonable amount that I will be having to pay/year. I know tuition is around $24,000/year. I'm from Minnesota, and I live with my mom (divorced). She makes about $20,000/year (I know, we aren't very rich - which is why I am asking). I don't know if they base financial aid on any of my stats, so just in case I will list a few:</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.979
W GPA: 3.999 (we don't weight very much at all)</p>

<p>Taken 5 college classes during high school (We don't have AP or honor courses, but rather college classes offered through a local college).</p>

<p>Also took 2 college classes this summer at WashU in St. Louis (High School Summer Scholar's program)</p>

<p>ACT: 28 </p>

<p>Lots of EC in the arts - Competitive speaking, knowledge Bowl, drama, band, NHS, etc. </p>

<p>About what can I expect to pay/year (loans and scholarships). When will I know how much the college will give me, do I apply for financial aid after getting acceptance (still waiting to hear back). </p>

<p>Thanks for ANY help!</p>

<p>Check on Minnesota reciprocity- your UW tuition will be that instate amount for MN residents. Usually similar to UW and U of M resident/instate tuition. Total budget, including room/board, travel, books et al closer to $20,000 than just tuition alone being that. Reciprocity makes Wisconsin public universities comparable to Minnesota ones in costs for you.</p>

<p>Check with your HS for any scholarships you can apply for. Check with the local branch of the UW alumni association for any scholarships they offer. You can check for UW scholarships on their website but UW offers little merit money to incoming students. Be prepared to fill out the Fin aid forms-FAFSA (for all colleges)- in January?- need income tax form data. Plan on grants, loans, work study options as part of a need based aid package no matter where you attend college.</p>

<p>Does your mom receive child support?
Are you a first generation college student?
Are you an underrepresented minority?</p>

<p>We do get child support, I am a first generation college student, but I am not an underrepresented minority.</p>

<p>Oh, and Wis75…I meant the 24,000 to be everything, not just the tuition, sorry. Thanks for the info though! :slight_smile: What is the average amount (about) that most people from mn or wi pay for a year?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Table in link shows about $24,000 for a MN resident.</p>

<p>ROTC may be another way to go?</p>

<p>WISC2015, I would say that you will be a good candidate for the BANNER program.</p>

<p>BANNER is a program designed to help our low-income non-resident students pay for college through grants, loans, and work.</p>

<p>The program strives to meet a student’s full financial need each year for four years. Single, financially dependent students are considered for the program based on the family’s financial situation (current and past) and financial need as calculated by our office and funding availability. We consider all non-resident undergraduates who apply for aid through our office for BANNER—there is no special application. Qualifying students are selected by this office.</p>