Scholarship/Financial Aid?

<p>Hi, I was accepted a few weeks ago and I was wondering if anyone had gotten any finaid/scholarship packages yet.</p>

<p>Wisconsin is my number 1 choice but I need to get a full ride or as close to one as possible since I am out of state. I've applied to a bunch of outside scholarships but haven't gotten anything yet do I'm starting to worry.</p>

<p>Also does anyone know how much a person with an EFC of 0 tends to get from Wisconsin?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>It is not likely you can get a full ride to Wisconsin (or even close). The Cost of Attendance for 2012-2013 is $41,254 and estimated grant aid based on $0 EFC is $10,150, leaving $31,104 as your net price.</p>

<p>Try the Net Price/Award Calculator:</p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“Office of Student Financial Aid – UW–Madison”&gt;Office of Student Financial Aid – UW–Madison]Net</a> Price / Award Calculator | Office of Student Financial Aid - University of Wisconsin</p>

<p>Notice the work study as part of the package. UW is not known for merit aid either.</p>

<p>Ok thank you, I wi just have to look elsewhere for scholarships</p>

<p>Do you have a ‘hook’? Are you an underrepresented minority?</p>

<p>Also, remember that many scholarships are only for a single year, one-time only disbursement.</p>

<p>No I am not a minority though I have an income that is severely low. But I have great grades, and good extracurriculars so I’m hoping to get something</p>

<p>You and many others have great grades, activities and recommendations. The reality is that many excellent students go to their home state flagship because of costs. UW does not generally give merit aid for good grades/test scores like some other schools do.</p>

<p>It appears unrealistic to believe that you will receive enough aid (grants, loans, scholarships) to close the $30,000+ annual gap to attend UW-Madison as a non-resident.</p>

<p>Scholarship money from UW is unlikely. Wisconsin (and its taxpayers) do not have money readily available to support nonresidents. Why should we give our money to nonresidents?</p>

<p>Do you have an ACT score of 31 or higher? Clearly your SAT score does not meet merit scholarship application eligibility/consideration (must be 2100 or above). ‘Great grades’ are not much of a factor since SAT or ACT scores are much more objective.</p>

<p>There are some L&S scholarships for incoming freshmen but you must excel in two or more areas which include academic merit, creative accomplishment, financial need, force of character, diversity of background, commitment to community, and leadership, and complete a lengthy online application and have an ACT score of 31 or above, or an SAT score of 2100 or above. </p>

<p>There are only about 45 scholarships available (6,000 incoming freshmen and over 1,000 apply for these 45 scholarships) and of these, just 10 are for non-Wisconsin residents. Also, very few of the 45 are multi-year. Scholarship awards range from $500 to $7,000 thus even if you met the qualifications and were one of the 10 nonresidents to receive a scholarship, it would not come close to closing your $30,000 gap and likely be for only one year.</p>

<p>Also, notification is not until April 2013.</p>

<p>You should have an instate financial safety/backup school.</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> | Student Academic Affairs](<a href=“]Scholarships”></p>

<p>Have you completed the lengthy scholarship application yet? </p>

<p>The only ‘automatic’ award I know of is the William F. Vilas award for about 150 incoming freshmen based on GPA and is a one-time $400 scholarship.</p>

<p>I am currently filling out the scholarship application, and I was just announced as a horatio Alger national scholar so i will have about 5000 a year for 4 years to go towards the cost</p>

<p>Congratulations on the Horatio Alger scholarship!</p>

<p>While my posts may seem harsh I am trying to help you consider the possibility that you may not be able to obtain enough grants/aid/loans/scholarships to cover the gap for UW-Madison.</p>

<p>Here is a link to another UW Madison merit-based scholarship you may consider applying for. While you are not a minority, maybe you fall under the ‘educationally/culturally disadvantaged’ category.</p>

<p>[Office</a> of the Provost | University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“]Office”></p>

<p>[Scholarship</a> Details](<a href=“Our Opportunities - Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH)”>Our Opportunities - Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH))</p>