Costs for 2008-2009

<p>I called Colorado College today to get next year's costs. Its not on the website yet. The following is for the YEAR, not per semester.</p>

<p>Tuition: $17,922 (up 5.8%)
"Average" room: $5,024 (up 7%)
"Average" meal plan: $4,072 (up 5%)</p>

<p>The information also included that the increase in room is due to the rise in utility costs. There are only going to be 2 meal plans available next year and there were no specifics on the those new plans.</p>

<p>If you use the schools insurance, it is actually going down and is changing from Aetna to United Health Care.</p>

<p>That can't be for the whole year... are you sure that the tuition isn't just for the semester and the room and meal plan are for the year?</p>

<p>applesauce-- Sorry!</p>

<p>You are correct. The correct year's tuition is $35,844. The other catagories are for the year</p>

<p>OK, that makes a whole lot more sense...</p>

<p>Yeah, if that was the price I was going to send my deposit in immediately!! Haha, if only...</p>

<p>I just received the email to students and parents from President Celeste concerning 2008-2009.</p>

<p>Tuition is $35,844 and the email says this is a 5.5% increase.</p>

<p>"Room and Board" is lumped together and is listed at $9,096.</p>

<p>His calculation is that the "total cost of attendance" will rise 5.8%.</p>

<p>$45,000 rising to over $50,000 in the course of 4 years (she said, laughing insanely and then weeping).</p>

<p>I replied to the Prez' email with a suggestion that the students' airfares be included within the new travel services for the college's travel to benefit from the group purchasing power. OOS students are going to be effected by the steep increase in cost of flying. I haven't heard back yet. Those who are also OOS might want to contact CC with the same or similar suggestion.</p>


<p>Don't you wish you could have paid in early Nov. of 2007: 1 CAN = 1.09075 US.</p>

<p>At least its not 1 CAN = .67 US like in parts of the 1990's</p>


<p>I guess that email only went out to "old" parents. (Or did anyone else here receive it?) So I don't know what you mean about the travel services. Care to enlighten?</p>

<p>I am a "new" parent and I did not receive the email.</p>

<p>"NEW" parents, this is what I received yesterday.</p>


As part of our efforts to be good stewards of both our environmental and financial resources, I am sending this letter electronically this year. </p>

<p>Dear Students, </p>

<p>Each year at this time we determine CC’s cost of attendance based on extensive conversation about financial aid, salaries, operating costs, and other economic realities. </p>

<p>For the 2008-09 academic year, tuition will be $35,844 (a 5.5% increase over 2007-08), and room and board will be $9,096. As a result, the total cost of attendance will rise 5.8%. Students who received financial aid last year will be notified in Block 8 about next year’s aid package. </p>

<p>Yes, CC’s tuition price is high. Yet it actually covers only about two-thirds of the full cost. Donations and endowment support subsidize most of the remainder. And comparatively speaking, CC’s tuition, room, and board are slightly below the median for our peer institutions. </p>

<p>Nonetheless, I am well aware that your families are making sacrifices and many of you are working one or more jobs so that you can attend Colorado College. So I do not take lightly any increase in tuition. </p>

<p>We continue to do our utmost to minimize costs while sustaining the quality of our academic enterprise and your Colorado College experience. For example, we have not added any new staff positions in the past 18 months and are exercising new discipline in the use of block visitors. We are realizing energy savings – particularly through increased use of renewable energy – and trying a new travel service to save on college airfares. With the recent upgrade of our IT network, we saved $1 million through our choice of provider. And for the coming fiscal year, I have asked senior managers to hold the line on all budget requests. </p>

<p>Containing costs is not an option; it is a necessity. Like hard-working families everywhere, the College is affected by economic factors beyond our control, including the rising costs of financial aid, health care, housing, and utilities. In addition, we are in the third year of raising faculty salaries by 7.5% to get them to a level commensurate with our peers. </p>

<p>Simultaneously, the College has made numerous enhancements in our quest to fulfill the mission of providing the finest liberal arts education in the country. The Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center is opening in May (within budget, I might add) – a real jewel in our crown for innovation in the arts. We are making top-notch tenure-track faculty hires to replace retiring professors. For these and other reasons, CC’s reputation and visibility are soaring, attracting a record number of applications for admission from around the country and the world. </p>

<p>As I tell students every year, your college education is one of the biggest investments you will ever make. It will also return priceless benefits throughout your lifetime. I pledge to continue improving Colorado College while being prudent about economic realities, thereby sustaining the value of your educational experience. </p>

<p>I send my sincere good wishes for the rest of the academic year and the summer. </p>

<p>Warm regards, </p>

<p>Richard F. Celeste</p>

<p>President </p>

<p>cc: Parents of current students


<p>Thanks, 07DAD!</p>

<p>Good idea 07DAD. They did do this to hook the kids upon acceptance.</p>


<p>Where did you see the travel hook up?</p>
