Could I get into these school's engineering programs?

<p>I would like to be a mechanical or nuclear engineer and I just wanted to know if I could get into the engineering program of each of the following schools: Penn State, Pittsburgh, Purdue, Virginia Tech, Wisconsin and Florida</p>

<p>I'm currently a junior in high school and here's my basic stats:</p>

<p>Top 20% Class Rank (my school does decile system) of about 300
3.89 weighted
3.69 (lol) unweighted
640 Math
630 Critical Reading
550 Writing
Advanced Courses:
Taking AP Euro as a junior, taking AP Government and Politics, AP Chemistry and CHS Physics as a senior. I have taken a total of seven honors courses my first three years.
4 years inline hockey
4 years assistant baseball coach
Member of World Cultures Club (9th grade)
Treasurer and member of robotics club (10th grade)
Member of Philosophy Club (11th grade)
Sheetz Employee (11th and hopefully 12th)
Baseball Umpire (9 and 10)
NHS Member (11 and 12)
Assistant Baseball coach (9,10,11)
Cub Scout assistant leader (10)</p>

<p>That's all I can think of for now. My main worrying point is the SAT. I thought I did better than that, but it was my first time. I would really like to get into the respective engineering schools and any help is appreciated</p>

<p>Nice list. Does you high school have Naviance website? That would allow you to see how students from your school have done with various stats. It’s not a perfect method, but it will give you ballpark idea. </p>