Could PLEASE chance me??

<p>Hey guys Im generally not a fan of these threads but Im just kinda curious. </p>


<p>SAT 2s
Math 2-800

<p>Class Rank-12/550
I attend a highly competitive public school in TX</p>

<p>I have about 150 hrs of community service</p>

<p>I'm a member of Key Club,Model UN, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Math Club, and Student Council, and will graduate will Ambassador distinction</p>

<p>I play varsity tennis and club/select basketball</p>

<p>Freshman year did a math/prblm solving thing for gifted students at Duke University</p>

<p>Graduated from the Harvard Summer School with a 4.0 in econ</p>

<p>Am currently a NASA aerospace scholar and will be sent to the space center in Houston for a week of research over the summer</p>

<p>Next year I plan on running for office in the clubs I am involved in
next year my schedule will prbly be
AP calc bc
Ap spanish 5
Ap physics b or c
ap gov/econ
ap art history
ap stats
varsity either bball or tennis
varsity either bball or tennis</p>

<p>What are my chances at school like northwestern, harvard, yale, columbia, wharton, nyu stern, u of chicago, and rice??</p>

<p>Id really appreciate any advice i could get...also any ideas improving my weak points.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot yall</p>

<p>NYU and Rice, I’d give you a definite.
Northwestern, I’d give you a really likely.
UChicago, I’d give you a “pretty” likely. :P</p>

<p>As for everything else, it’s a crapshoot. Your SAT score is great. Your GPA is great. Your ECs are phenomenal. NASA scholar? How many students get to do that? So I’d say you have a strong shat at Columbia, a good shot at Wharton, and all I can tell you about the two Ivies is that you’re a very strong candidate.</p>

<p>thanks a lot man</p>