Could this cause an admissions revokation?

<p>I'm still incredibly amazed that I was actually admitted into UCLA, and, chances are, I'll take them up on their acceptance offer. Nevertheless, I am dealing with a current issue that, admittedly, is cause for a little concern.</p>

<p>I signed up for an independent study AP class under one of the teachers at my school. The class, AP Environmental Science, is offered at other schools in our district, just not at my campus. My parents and I filled out a contract with this teacher, and I was led to believe (by the teacher, by administrators, and by my counselor) that the class itself was going to show up on my final high school transcripts, with the weighted grade in tow.</p>

<p>Believing that, I applied to a number of schools (obviously UCLA among them) and listed AP Env. Science as one of the classes that I was currently enrolled in. Me and my advisor continued to do our thing with the class, with me essentially doing AP-level coursework under his watchful eye in preparation for the test in May.</p>

<p>Basically, everything that I had been led to believe that would happen with this course was proved false. In early March, I found out that the class would apparently NOT show up on my final high school transcript. My teacher has assured me that this won't affect my college admissions in the slightest, yet it still worries me. I'd be mortified if my UCLA admissions offer were to be withdrawn because of this. </p>

<p>I still got straight A's last semester and am poised to do the same for this semester, so I'm not exactly in danger of falling victim to Senioritis (yet lolz).</p>

<p>Basically, what's going to happen is that I AM going to get credit for the work that I've been doing, yet it'll appear on my transcript as regular environmental science. Nothing has really changed with regards to the work that the teacher and I have been doing for the class, and I am still taking the AP Env. Science test in May (already payed).</p>

<p>Again, my biggest concern is that this might lead UCLA to believe that I misrepresented myself and subsequently revoke my admissions offer. For the record, I was admitted as an English major to the College of Letters and Science, so it isn't exactly like I need this course as a prerequisite for anything. I AM going to have either my counselor or my school's principal call up the UCLA admissions office to explain these shenannigans before I make the changes online.</p>

<p>Although I've been assured that this ordeal won't cause any revokation, I'm nonetheless concerned about it. Should I be worried?</p>


<p>It will somewhat affect it because LA will expect to see the course load that you had on your application. Get clarification from UCLA and tell them about your situation and ask how it can be resolved.</p>

<p>Ya, just call or shoot them an email and explain the circumstances. If it was just a misunderstanding, I’m sure it’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Replies? More replies?</p>

<p>Haha, I should know by the end of the week what this all means, since my counselor has been getting at UCLA’s admissions office the past few days. Judging from what he’s told me though, everything’s going to be fine. So, yay… Haha, it’s much more of my school’s screw-up than any mistake of mine, so I’m letting them sort it out. Blah…</p>

<p>Heck, I’ve already accepted my admissions offer, so I’d be pretty miffed if they took it back lolz.</p>


<p>Blah…still waiting to hear back from the UCLA admissions folks. I reported the changes online a week ago, and my admissions confirmation page (online) has since turned into the necessitated “Re-review” site.</p>

<p>Essentially, they’re going over the changes to determine whether the absence of this class will cause a withdrawal of my admissions offer. I don’t see how it possibly could, since, even without this class, I’ve satisfied all of the A-G Reqs. Nonetheless, I’m going to feel loads better once I receive an official response. I’m considerably nervous, albeit perhaps unjustifiably so.</p>

<p>I just hate having to play the waiting game. All of the counselors and administrators at my school were about as helpful as a pile of bricks with regards to sorting this ordeal out. Seriously, nobody has a clue what’s goin’ on one way or the other, and it’s infuriating.</p>



<p>Where is the admissions confirmation page located? I’m in the same situation.</p>

<p>Oh crap mine says that too!!! UGHHHH I dont want this! Go back to the Congrats one haha</p>

<p>u’ll be fine, just keep up thr grades i had a number of problems and when i called they said not to worry, and i think ur taking the AP test so its ok</p>

<p>On mine i reported putting down 2 semesters of Amer Gov Honors but our school only has 1 semester of it and its Amer Gov CP, there were many other errors but they were really insignificant.</p>

<p>If it helps, I took AP Cal the first semester of my senior year and dropped it in my second. I told UCLA through their drop form, and a few days ago, I got an email telling me that my “eligibility will not be affected by these changes. Your admissions decision still stands.”</p>

<p>How long after the submission of your changes did you receive your reply?</p>

<p>The site says that a response will be issued within 15 working days, and I’m about 8 working days into it. I seriously hope that this doesn’t drag on for another week, since I’m beyond nervous and anxious. </p>

<p>Gah, this is sooooooo frustrating.</p>


<p>I submitted mine over 18 days ago and still no reply?! What’s the deal UCLA ?</p>

<p>This is getting ridiculous.</p>

<p>I submitted the changes over three weeks ago, and still no reply has arisen. I’m about 13 days into the purported 15 working days waiting limit, but I hadn’t suspected that the wait would seemingly perpetuate itself to this extent. If I don’t receive a reply by Thursday I’ll know that something is up.</p>


<p>Time for an update:</p>

<p>I received an email from a woman at UCLA’s admissions division on Wednesday, asking me for further clarification and requesting that I send her my first semester grades. I immediately responded to her email and more thoroughly explained my situation, and the next day I had my counselor fax her a copy of my transcripts. Later that day, I received an email from the woman indicating that they received my transcripts and advising me to wait for more developments, if any.</p>

<p>Now I’m in the final stages of waiting I suppose. I could, as early as Monday, get a definitive response from UCLA about my admissions change, but the immense waiting that I’ve had to undergo doesn’t exactly make me expect any expediency. Either way, by the end of next week I figure that I’ll know for sure what’s up.</p>


<p>you should definetly call them and explain the situation</p>

<p>oh nevermind sorry. </p>

<p>Good luck man! I’m sure they’ll understand</p>

<p>Haha well…it only took a MONTH lolz, but finally everything is sorted and done with. Last night, I emailed the representative from UCLA’s admissions office who I had conversed with; I requested that she provide me an update with regards to my situation, since I hadn’t heard anything since last Thursday.</p>

<p>This afternoon, I finally received the response that I had been waiting for, wherein I was told (kinda paraphrasing here) that my “admissions decision still stands” in spite of the changes.</p>

<p>I gotta tell you guys, this whole ordeal had been nothing short of a nightmarish headache. The fact that it took so long to sort out, coupled with the seeming inability of my high school’s administrators to help me out in any reasonable way, was definitely unsettling. Either way, I am incredibly overjoyed and relieved to have this problem resolved.</p>

<p>See you all in the fall. Class of '13 FTW!</p>


<p>2013 FTW! See you in the fall!</p>

<p>I’m so glad everything worked out for you. I was worried for a little while and everything worked out for me as well. Go Bruins! :)</p>